Reactions To A Morning

WED., SEPT. 1, 1993, 10:39 AM

The breakfast Bible study group reassembled, and the discussion was lively… and shall continue. You had to come back here to read and evaluate these first papers from your Death Education group, but you have plenty of time, and this is the best place for receiving these Teachings, anyway.

Harry spoke of the uniqueness of the Old Testament in recording so many times when I, as Almighty God, spoke directly to people, almost as friend to friend. You mumbled that this still happens, but no one picked this up (not unexpectedly), and you were not willing to affirm it further. Yet I’ll aver that in your understanding, and that of your Christian denomination, I and the Father are One…I and the Lord Jesus are One. We are separate, and still We are One. I speak mostly to you as Holy Spirit, but I can and do, occasionally and legitimately, speak as Almighty God… and in the same friendly fashion.

You did speak forth boldly in telling of the interpretation I have given you concerning Noah and the flood. You said, in truth, that this was primarily a demonstration of My Power, as the Creator God, to also destroy. Remember, always, that this is My Earth, and it continues to exist and provide life for many (now too many) persons, but for any number of reasons, which I can reveal or not, I can destroy it, in part or as a whole.

You are right in discerning and stating that life continues because of the balance of anabolism and catabolism, the building up and the breaking down. It is foolish to feel that I am in favor of and responsible for only the building up… that I don’t like the destructive part. I just see the whole picture of earth and myriad other realms. I have allowed a lot of imbalance in the earth, and a better balance and rhythm must be restored. I choose, now, to do this slowly and most undramatically. I could speed it up, in some parallel to the flood… but not yet.

All humans are, on the one hand, My creations, with immortal souls, and on the other, sinful creatures, deserving of destruction. I can bestow righteousness, and I can punish sinful behavior. Those who accept My grace, offered through My death and resurrection, become righteous, quite apart from behaviors (though My grace does certainly have an effect on human actions). Yet, in the balance that I allow to “work out,” some righteous people die prematurely, even unpleasant to agonizing deaths. And… some abject sinners live on, seemingly undeservedly. Evil seems to triumph in places, and at times. But nothing happens that I don’t cause or allow. Nothing.

Of the papers you read some were excellent… fine expressions of feeling about a story of life and death. The relationship between grandfather and grandson was pictured as mutually beneficial, a loving sharing of life together. Yet the grandfather seemed to be teaching the boy just how to do things and about his past life. It was, in your terms, a humanistic relationship, with no expression of expectation of continuing life… just some fear of the experience of dying. What Ben had done in life, of which He was most proud, was no longer done, nor valued. Machines did the hard work.

WED., SEPT. 1, 1993, 10:39 AM

The breakfast Bible study group reassembled, and the discussion was lively… and shall continue. You had to come back here to read and evaluate these first papers from your Death Education group, but you have plenty of time, and this is the best place for receiving these Teachings, anyway.

Harry spoke of the uniqueness of the Old Testament in recording so many times when I, as Almighty God, spoke directly to people, almost as friend to friend. You mumbled that this still happens, but no one picked this up (not unexpectedly . . .

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