Reactions To It

SAT., OCT. 26, 1996, 6:40 AM

Yes, o son, you need to hear some reactions from Me to the letter from Mark and to the Teachings he is receiving from It. There are many forms of spirit, and some are quite different from that take human form. So, yes, there are some who never take human form. As you look around you, in imagination, you “see” many forms of life… some larger than you (Norman, for example), some much smaller (like the wasps on the bathroom floor), and some that are microscopic. Even humans come in a range of sizes, color, and personality… even gender isn’t completely “one or the other”.

I have commented to you before that, in dealing directly with humans, particularly in your culture, it would be good to have a name. I have a “designation” – Holy Spirit. This spirit that is “assigned” to Mark is comfortable being known as It. Other spirits do take names. Some angels have had names. Most have not. All this is not “good” or “bad”… it just “is”… and It “is”.

The message, of course, is sound and true. The essence of life is love, learning, and growth. When you hear this from Me and from It you have to have some amount of rational doubt. You consider all of the machinations of this political campaign, and then you must ask, “Is this real? Is it important?”

This campaign is part of the economy, and there is much time, attention, and energy that goes into keeping the economy functioning. (And you still have a few fears about My providing for you when you are no longer a “producer” in the economy.) And what does all of this have to do with love, learning, and growth? You were fortunately led, as is Mark, into a career of teaching, which means guiding the learning process. I want you both to do it with love and see it as a marvelous way to learn.

You both are in the health field, and I have encouraged you both to see the spiritual as an important dimension for humans. I realize that in your secular teaching positions you can’t easily proclaim that the spirit is the essence of health and that much that is in the “curriculum” and in health textbooks is of quite minor importance. (Remember when you were not allowed to even mention spirit in the little book on dying and death that you helped write. What an example!)

So, in effect, the major challenge of earth life is to be aware and to appreciate all that you do and all that is “done to you”, seeing everything as potential learning, all learning as potential spiritual growth, and all interactions as potential for loving and being loved. Even the scant realization of this that you and Mark have move you both closer to most of humankind… and farther away.

Yes, it is a both/and, not an either/or. Because of this view of life you can come closer to loving everyone unconditionally (even Bob Dole?), but as you do this you see yourself as being more different from most others… and they also see you thus. Yet when you reach this state of growth it is unlikely that you would “go back” (though some do… your culture is a powerful one… toward secular thinking).

SAT., OCT. 26, 1996, 6:40 AM

Yes, o son, you need to hear some reactions from Me to the letter from Mark and to the Teachings he is receiving from It. There are many forms of spirit, and some are quite different from that take human form. So, yes, there are some who never take human form. As you look around you, in imagination, you “see” many forms of life… some larger than you (Norman, for example), some much smaller (like the wasps on the bathroom floor), and some that are microscopic. Even humans come in a . . .

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