Read The Messages

MAY 20, 1979, 5:50 AM

Instruction is for your edification and for the building up of your self and spirit. They must be reviewed and studied, and their meanings must be applied to life as it is lived. You do other kinds of writing, and you review and polish it. Alike and different. You are not to edit nor to polish these lines, for they come as they are meant to be. But you are to digest and assimilate them, and expose your soul to their truths… and walk accordingly.

The world knows some of what you pen, and certainly the Scriptures bring similar messages. Yet this is new and fresh, my son… an update of the Lord’s thoughts… a new quickening of the Holy Spirit. They will not counter, these messages, the missive of the Scriptures, but they will illuminate. New times bring new truths. Yet new truths are old truths in new guise, for all truth IS.

Compare and contrast the content of these writings, o son, with your favorite Scriptures… and even some obscure. Roll them around in Ecclesiastes, and match them with Romans and with the Gospel of John. Wonder in the newness of fit, and ponder the ways in which they seem apart.

The trend of the times is to seek “scientific” answers to human questions. Thou art one who has been called to a ministry of sorts – one of matching truths, from the Spirit with those of the world. Again, remember… TRUTH IS. Synthesize and illuminate. Become adept at causing the truth to shine and in bringing people to say, “Hey, of course!”

The world is waiting for another sunrise. As with the rolling of the earth, there are many sunrises of spiritual opening and awakening… myriad new days. But as with the earth, each day has a freshness and a quality of its own. Each day has potential, and this is heralded by the sunrise.

So, o son, you shall be a sun, bursting forth in wisdom and in light. The darkness shall shrink, and there shall be music in your soul. To bring God’s truth to special people is your present lot.

You shall be directed, for the messages shall flow. You are an instrument, o son of Mine, and your mind, heart and spirit seem sufficiently open. Hear the words as they flow, and then make them live. Devise ways to use them, illustrate with them… and know that I oversee the Process.

For I am God, I am the Spirit, I am the Christ. And so shall you be also. Fear not. The time is now.

A simple Amen.
6:20 AM

(This is the first direct communication from the Holy Spirit)