
JULY 9, 1980, 6:03 AM

You hear Me, o son, and I call you. You have gotten a bit apprehensive and unsure in relation to this teaching/learning experience. You want success, but you can’t deal well with less than glorious, provocative writing. Simply said, you must. You must be My servant and be faithful to Me, no matter what the result. So let Us talk today of reaffirmation. I shall affirm again what I purpose, and you must then repledge yourself to this partnership.

I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty do come to you, a Christian health education professor. You have come through a learning period of over a year, and you now hear as I speak and write as you hear. You have little doubt about the process, but you have come to want all of these experiences to be equally enlightening and majestic. Otherwise, you’d rather not come. That is an unfortunate attitude. Let Me tell you why.

As you review the teachings you can find none that do not have meaning or are not of some value. Obviously, some are more profound and some more pointedly useful than others. But each has an integrity and a use, I assure you. Compare these with Scripture. You will see sections that seem much less useful than what I speak to you. Yet it remains Holy Scripture, and these are just “your writings”. In like fashion some of these teachings will outshine others, but they are all My teachings to you. Each has value.

You are now in a time when your teaching-writing-professional life is coming to merge with your spiritual – personal – religious life. Remember that this shall not happen for all. You are not the only one, but you are one of a small group that shall have this experience. You shall teach revealed truth rather than statistical truth or scientifically “proven” truth. Some shall be identified, and some shall not.

You shall continue to write, rather prodigiously. You shall share teachings with some whom I send to you, and to some whom you just encounter. And, I have told you, you often shall not know which is which or who is who. Just know that some whom you meet and with whom you interact are sent by Me… even from Me.

JULY 9, 1980, 6:03 AM

You hear Me, o son, and I call you. You have gotten a bit apprehensive and unsure in relation to this teaching/learning experience. You want success, but you can’t deal well with less than glorious, provocative writing. Simply said, you must. You must be My servant and be faithful to Me, no matter what the result. So let Us talk today of reaffirmation. I shall affirm again what I purpose, and you must then repledge yourself to this partnership.

I, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God Almighty do . . .

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