Real… And… Mystical

WED., SEPT. 20, 1995, 9:44 AM

The accuracy and truth of these Teachings as you write them down have been questioned… and will continue to be. Yet you experienced, in this morning’s discussion of John’s Gospel, some similar questions. Is John accurate in his “reporting”? Can truth encompass different versions of the same event, even as these seem to conflict? Is the mystical a part of the “real”?

It won’t surprise you to hear from Me that the real, even in this physically endowed earth plane, is definitely laced with the mystical. You needn’t be cynical about research standards that seem to question anything but “clear, hard facts”. Just accept such findings as a part of reality, but never all of it. Your Teachings from Me, the Holy Spirit, are reality, though they also are mystical. When they seem to counter “proven” reality, just gently accept them, without actually rejecting the other. Both/and thinking is what I urge on you.

In John’s version of the trial and crucifixion of Me, as Jesus, Pilate was trying to judge rightly, but the Jews who wanted Me crucified were persistent, and thus he gave in. In this rendition the Jews were “the bad guys”, and yet your heritage holds that they were My Chosen people, and also tells that I, as the accused Jesus, said nothing to encourage Pilate to judge Me innocent… or to rule that the charges were of no concern to him or to Caesar. I was to die on the cross, and I had to be sure this happened.

But was My death real or mystical? Both, actually. My body appeared to be dead, and you can be sure that Joseph and Nicodemus would have noticed any indication of continuing life. And yet I was back in bodily form on Sunday morning, first unrecognizable, and then recognized. By your earth’s rational standards this is not possible, but lots of rational Christians accept the account as reality. That, alone, is quite mystical.

There actually are a number of contradictions in the Holy Scriptures. There also are many contradictions in the scientific literature and in its perceptions of the earth scene. So, as one desiring to be a disciple of Mine are you to live in the world and in this culture, adapting to it in many ways? Or should you reject much of the culture and live as one apart from it? Both/and again. Balancing, again.

You needn’t “chase after” all that is new and technological. You should live relatively simply. Money is reality, but it is mystical when I tell you that I shall provide for your actual needs. I want you to share your wealth rather than have an accumulation. Your Thrift Shop clothes are quite appropriate, and I like it that you have no qualms about wearing such. Continue to consider how you would live if your affluence were taken away. Continue to enjoy sharing your less-than-regal estate with students.

Is health real, or it is mystical? Obviously, again, both/and. You read this morning, earlier, that one of your regular health practices is quite unnecessary and may even be harmful. Yet you are functioning well and feeling quite fit. Is this scientific prescription untrue or is your adaptation different from that of others? Or is health really a mystical aspect of life, almost unrelated to particular practices and norms?

WED., SEPT. 20, 1995, 9:44 AM

The accuracy and truth of these Teachings as you write them down have been questioned… and will continue to be. Yet you experienced, in this morning’s discussion of John’s Gospel, some similar questions. Is John accurate in his “reporting”? Can truth encompass different versions of the same event, even as these seem to conflict? Is the mystical a part of the “real”?

It won’t surprise you to hear from Me that the real, even in this physically endowed earth plane, is definitely laced with the mystical. You . . .

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