Real Life… And… Your Life

TUES., MAR. 22, 1994, 12:07 PM

There are so many ways I could describe “real life” of course, from My perspective it would be entirely spiritual, that life you lead before and after earth life, as well as the only life some souls ever live. Or, real life could be “hard” earth life, that which the majority of humans in the earth experience every day, devoid of the privileges and luxuries that you enjoy. Or, real life could be situations of competition, in which you would “win” or “lose,” and in which your powers of adaptation are severely tested. Or, real life could be situations of suffering, particularly when there is no respite… and the suffering at least seems undeserved… other than the truth that all should suffer some in earth life. Or, …

You see, of course, that none of the four “reals” I’ve offered fits your life exactly. In terms of spirit you have some above-average perceptions of what spiritual life is, but, even as you hear Me and write, in this seemingly mystical way, you still are quite aware of your physical being (and of the showers of pain that your toes feel from time to time). You are in good health except for this leg and foot disability, but you can’t function as fully as you’d like. So, in this state you turn to Me, not as a “way out”, but as a Teacher and Counselor. I didn’t call you today to be in this mystical state. Rather you decided to put in this pad and this pen and decided to seek a Teaching. I like such choices of spiritual experiences.

You are quite willing to admit that your life is an easy rather than a hard one. You are secure in a job that you enjoy and do rather well. You have a good marriage and responsible sons, generally. Your living situation has been ideal… and even if it must change it still would have a number of ideal qualities. You often wish you had more money, but you know you are not in need and probably won’t be, in this life. And if you keep giving your excess away you could be blessed with more resources. It is just difficult for you to relate to average village life in “developing” countries (even as there is little probability of much “development” for them).

Competition has definitely ebbed in your life. You recall that you were a successful competitor in your younger years. You won the wife that was meant for you with effective competitive behavior (though not completely “good”). You won coaching assignments and enough victories with teams to retire feeling good. You achieved jobs and teaching assignments… and professional recognition. Though you sometimes wish you had more achievement plaques on your wall, you can be satisfied with what you have… and you know you shall not compete for others now. Your life now has benefitted from competition in the past, but you have little competitive desire now. And you wonder… if you had to compete again… could you muster the means to do so, effectively?

You are now suffering some minor pain and disability. You know it is minor, and I basically approve of how you have dealt with it. When you consider all of the possible sufferings that you could be experiencing you certainly must admit that if suffering is what is real, you are not in that “camp.”

Now let Me tell you of the ways your life is also “real.” It is because you are living it with joy and with awareness and appreciation. You are increasingly aware of what situations are truly important, as well as what you really must do (the next Ruminations, for example). At the same time you are aware of how you can “pace yourself,” enjoying “time on the bench” along with constructive activity.

TUES., MAR. 22, 1994, 12:07 PM

There are so many ways I could describe “real life” of course, from My perspective it would be entirely spiritual, that life you lead before and after earth life, as well as the only life some souls ever live. Or, real life could be “hard” earth life, that which the majority of humans in the earth experience every day, devoid of the privileges and luxuries that you enjoy. Or, real life could be situations of competition, in which you would “win” or “lose,” and in which your powers of adaptation . . .

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