Reality And The Mystical

THURS., MAY 7, 1992, 12:12 PM

This is an appropriate place for you to receive a Teaching on the title you finally got in an acceptable order. This is the reality of the campus and of your working office, with tasks galore to accomplish. Yet at this desk, littered with the realities of your work, you sit down with this special pen and this unique paper and write, assuming you have moved into the mystical state in which you can hear Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. Try not to be distracted by what is around you… as if you were sitting on a bale of hay in the barn as you did in the first week of keeping your pledge to Me.

It shall soon be 13 years since I took over this pen and began to offer you these special Teachings. I have assured you that, as you hear Me with your spirit, you are in a mystical process. Thus, as you complete a Teaching you have been, in fact, in the tradition of the mystics of history. Put more directly, you are a mystic, though a minor one. The reality of your culture (for each culture defines reality in somewhat different ways) can explain this only as writing you are doing, from your own “head” and must reject any claim you make about My involvement.

On the other hand, your culture does include the Christian religion and its practices and beliefs. Your Presbyterian Church, in the Reformed tradition, is very much related to the total history of your culture. It just has been and continues to be a force that cannot be denied as part of reality. Yet this religion affirms that the Holy Spirit is part of your Triune God, and your worship services usually include references to Me, with calls for My help and guidance. And thus I come to you, unexpectedly, but in response to calls for My help. You are not, then, as “odd” as many other mystics would be, according to your culture’s perceptions and values.

I have started a somewhat similar type of communication with Andrea, and she is far less comfortable with these ideas I give to her than you are. She has written to you, as she should have, and now you shall have to respond. Read her long letters carefully before you write. I shall help (as with this Teaching) but you shall have to decide what you need to say. She needs your support and assurances that this can be an exciting aspect of her life, as soon as she accepts it as reality for her.

Until she comes to this acceptance she will have to deal with some negative “forces,” that are a challenge to her eventual coming to Me. Such were not necessary for you, but you still should remember the strong feelings of fear that I let build in you, as a means of getting your attention. The fears were based in reality… terrible things could have happened… but didn’t. You had a slight reoccurrence of that feeling yesterday.

I created this earth realm to be a tangible place. The human brain works in ways that ascribe reality to what can be seen, felt, heard… measured, weighted, and counted. I have given you a break… and Andrea, also… by urging you to write down what you hear in this prescribed, ritual way. This gives you material that is tangible, but this also complicates the matter. Can these be both mystical and tangible? Of course, just as healing can be both physical and spiritual. All of earth life is some combination of the mystical and the tangible. So, reality includes the mystical… say I, Who am wholey (holy?) mystical. Other would not include the mystical as reality because of the difficulty in verification.

THURS., MAY 7, 1992, 12:12 PM

This is an appropriate place for you to receive a Teaching on the title you finally got in an acceptable order. This is the reality of the campus and of your working office, with tasks galore to accomplish. Yet at this desk, littered with the realities of your work, you sit down with this special pen and this unique paper and write, assuming you have moved into the mystical state in which you can hear Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God. Try not to be distracted by what . . .

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