Reality… Just Is

WED., OCT. 22, 1986, 6:42 AM

The time has come for your mind to stop flitting and wandering. This is the return for which you have waited, which symbolizes the completion of extra-normal activities and the return to a more normal path. You are seated at your familiar desk, cluttered excessively, and you listen for words about reality.

Your senses tell you that this desk is real, the light is real, these trees outside are real… and your life is built firmly around realities such as these. You are told that all of these “things” break down into molecules, atoms, and sub-atomic particles… even electric charges. Which is the greater reality? It makes no difference. Both/and is the answer. Reality just is, but definitions of “is” vary. There is no single way that satisfies everyone.

I am reality… even Reality with a capital R. Yet I am perceived in a variety of ways by religious and spiritual folk, I am not perceived at all by some, and am denied existence by yet others. Am I basically loving and accepting? Am I basically angry and hard-nosed? Am I basically lamenting and sad… or do I smile often at the actions of My creations? Do I know everything that will happen, or am I often surprised at what free will produces? Do I ask questions like these, or do I always speak in commandment form?

The answer is just that I am. I am manifested in every way imaginable, and all at the same time. And all of these variations, real as they are, blend together in a mystical “I am”. There is no way that I am not. Denying Me and My reality is an exercise in unreality, yet I am in the midst of that also.

You see differences between and among the desk, the telephone, and the trees outside. You are told each is ultimately electrons, in different patterns. Do you believe this? You try, but it is difficult. It is easier for you to believe that I am Ultimate Reality, the final essence of all that exists, whether directly created or made by some earthly process. And others have trouble with this, even some who are Christian.

If reality just is… is it of any consequence? Again it is of prime importance and of no real importance. I can urge you to develop a clear perception of reality. You could struggle with this for years, as some do, and never quite come to the clear picture you desire. Or you could see it in a flash, with no effort. Or you could simply say, “I’m satisfied with the misty, mystical picture. Earth life is not meant to be spent in clarifying reality.” And I would be in the midst of each of these stances.

One of the great realities of life is love. Yet when you try to define love or tell how it is manifested you find yourself in trouble. Does love come forth from your spirit with no effort? Or must you work at loving? Or is it some ever-changing balance? You expect Me to say Yes… and you hear correctly. Love is reality comparable to electrons. It permeates. It takes many forms. It is present, even as a part of hate… of indifference. How can this be? It just is.

WED., OCT. 22, 1986, 6:42 AM

The time has come for your mind to stop flitting and wandering. This is the return for which you have waited, which symbolizes the completion of extra-normal activities and the return to a more normal path. You are seated at your familiar desk, cluttered excessively, and you listen for words about reality.

Your senses tell you that this desk is real, the light is real, these trees outside are real… and your life is built firmly around realities such as these. You are told that all of these “things” break . . .

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