Reality: My Presence

WED., JULY 16, 1986, 6:39 AM

Humans have a strong tendency to identify reality. Individuals and groups want to know what is real… and, therefore, what is not. Once reality has been discovered, determined, and proclaimed there arises a strong desire in some to have everyone accept this interpretation, showing disdain, pity, or indifference to those who see reality differently.

One of the important purposes of your current class is to increase tolerance, at least, for perceptions of reality that are different from one another… even apparently antagonistic. As the leader of this experience you must be the model for this tolerance. You must appear to accept and understand a wide variety of interpretations. Doing this well, however, can engender the picture of you as one with no clear perception of reality to call your own.

So, an important question at this half-way mark is: do you identify clearly your own description of reality? and if so, when? I may give you a clear answer to those questions, or I may let you decide on your own (relatively speaking, of course). You do need to be ready, however. You need to know and be able to state clearly what your perception of reality is. In this I can help.

Reality for you begins and ends with Me. You know that I am a fundamental part of you, that I am part of all the elements and artifacts in the earth, I am a part of other individuals and of groups, and I am a separate Spirit reality, working when, and where, and with whom, and how I choose. Reality is ultimately something called energy. I am Energy, and I am the source of energy.

I am Spirit, but the creative aspect of Me is responsible for this realm of being, which is a tangible world. This, too, becomes reality. It is important to your spiritual growth that you accept responsibility for material aspects of your life. You must keep your garden functioning, minimally at least. You must tend to your flowers… and do what you can to maintain your spillway.

You are part of human relationships that should be maintained, and yet you often wonder just where you should spend your time and energies… with whom? instead of with whom? Who gets slighted because your attention goes to… someone? The answer, the best one there is, stems from the reality of Me in your life. Whatever you do, do it for Me, and leave the consequences to Me. Know that the consequences, whatever they may be, are of potential value to you. You shall not be a perfect human, whatever that might be. You shall show weakness and shall make mistakes, in judgment and in performance. But the reality you must realize is that I can help you grow from every experience.

And what is the evidence of that growth? That you let go of fear, that you trust Me, that you make choices and then carry them out, with ability, energy, even joy. This doesn’t mean that you never feel sadness, frustration, pain… you experience and feel these as they come, and yet you know My Presence as ultimate reality and what I can do with all imaginable and unimaginable situations.

WED., JULY 16, 1986, 6:39 AM

Humans have a strong tendency to identify reality. Individuals and groups want to know what is real… and, therefore, what is not. Once reality has been discovered, determined, and proclaimed there arises a strong desire in some to have everyone accept this interpretation, showing disdain, pity, or indifference to those who see reality differently.

One of the important purposes of your current class is to increase tolerance, at least, for perceptions of reality that are different from one another… even apparently antagonistic. As the leader of this experience you must be . . .

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