Reality… Rational… Mystical

WED., OCT. 2, 1996, 8:38 AM

What is “reality” in this earth scene? I’ll give you a quick answer and then elaborate… but don’t expect it to be completely understandable. Some of reality in the earth is tangible, rational, measurable. But then there’s reality that is spiritual, mystical, unpredictable, and non-measurable. How much of each? This varies with situations, circumstances, and with individuals. Interpretations are important, as well as the actual perceptions.

The Apostle Paul, about whom you’ve just read, studied, and discussed, was a real person, grounded, in his early education, in sound, Jewish history and doctrine. The Christians of his time were perceived as threats… tangible threats to this way of life and relationship to God. So he persecuted them zealously and was proud of his measurable “victories”. Then, as Jesus and Myself, I came to him, mystically, but so he could perceive. I identified Myself, blinded him for a time (a show of power), and then set him forth on a new evangelical mission, FOR Me, this time.

There were many threats to his life during these missionary journeys, but he was living as a “saved”, “enlightened” servant, so death was no longer a threat. He was rescued several times, and lived out his life quietly and devotedly. According to the Scriptures none of the violence aimed at him ended his life. His was that mystical state of having opportunities but feeling no attachment to measurable earth life. He could live, both excited by his faith in Me and content with his election. His death was of no real consequence. It was his physical end, but the spiritual victory was his to “live on”.

You are close to that point. It is hard to “let go” completely while you still have the responsibilities represented in this office. You are wise to be hearing Me this morning, but you also have other tangible responsibilities that you should be doing. And it shall be so for the rest of this academic year. You will miss some of this rational activity, but you should be able to let these losses be overcome by the gains, in a rather short time.

Reality for you shall shift away from the rational into the mystical… not completely, but in emphasis. Just as your commitment to your teaching shall be given up rather easily, so will your participation in earth life. You are no longer attached to this position here, and you feel less and less attachment to physical life. And that’s good!… from My perspective.

And… strangely and paradoxically: this means that you shall enjoy the life you have left here in the earth MORE, rather than less. It shall be easier to do what you have and need to do. You need not be bothered by pains and mishaps. Let the pain in your hip be a reminder of the joy of walking. Let the scratches on your wrist remind you of your Farm and the chance to share it with learners.

You and I agreed, before your present entrance into the earth, on the challenge of developing a mystical sense in quite a rational culture. You even did well in the educational system and became somewhat distinguished as a professor in an historically rational field. Then I came along to remind you of the values in the mystical, and you have responded well. You are now into the movement away from measurability, science, and rationality, heading toward a better balance with the spirit world, to which you eventually shall return. The transition should be an easy, comfortable one.

Traveling around and being “active” in the community are not desires of yours, and I’m helping with this. You can decide whether to become computer literate, with all that this entails. There could be some advantage, but this isn’t really “required”. You can decide whether you should again be an active elder… and a leader in adult study. You should continue with the church Newsletter, but you can more directly insert some of your and My theology. If this is not acceptable then it shall be time to call it quits. Being a happy, joyous Christian certainly is an essential role for this time of retirement.

WED., OCT. 2, 1996, 8:38 AM

What is “reality” in this earth scene? I’ll give you a quick answer and then elaborate… but don’t expect it to be completely understandable. Some of reality in the earth is tangible, rational, measurable. But then there’s reality that is spiritual, mystical, unpredictable, and non-measurable. How much of each? This varies with situations, circumstances, and with individuals. Interpretations are important, as well as the actual perceptions.

The Apostle Paul, about whom you’ve just read, studied, and discussed, was a real person, grounded, in his early education . . .

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