Reality… Testing?

SUN., APR. 14, 1996, 5:58 AM

Your culture is one that is big on testing for reality. It is important to differentiate between reality and illusion, now isn’t it?! Find out what is… and how it is different from what is only apparent. Yet, valuable as this attitude and the practices it has generated are to modern life, this earth scene, as I have created it (and continue to create), is a combination of reality that can be tested, in repetitive ways, and reality that can only be experienced.

This that We do together is some of each. It is tangible. I come to you, and you write, and what you write could be tested in some ways. But is it “really Me”, the Holy Spirit, Who gives you these words. Vocabulary and style are much like your own… for that’s what I’m using. You see, I have been in all ages, and I can communicate in any and every language. The Holy Scriptures, to which these might be compared, were not written originally in English (and some of it came out of oral tradition, which is not always as exact as some would expect it to be). Though I have guided most of the translators, there are some expressions in other languages that don’t become understandable English, as spoken by you and other Americans somewhat like you.

Early in this experience you wrote… and then had the thought, “Would the Holy Spirit really say that?” Remember that I can never be limited for I am in the Father and the Son, a “function” (see, there’s no really appropriate word) of the One True God, Who also is Three. Despite your friend Siddy’s discontent with Me I do speak differently to different humans, in style and in content. I have created a diverse population of humans, and I am much more into balancing than establishing truth that all will find, in the same way. Remember the Commandment that comes the closest to absolute Truth – you shall have no other Gods before Me.

I seem to be more knowable than Brahma or Yahweh. I want you to know Me, and that’s a main reason for the Three of Us. But you can’t, really, ever prove that I am “a certain way”, which is different from all other ways. This and other Teachings are tangible and real, but can their validity be tested and determined?

You were right to think it odd that your son, Michael, would suggest that these Teachings must be compared with the doctrines of their Orthodox Church. It is also right that he should hold to this comparison as the way to establish reality and validity.

With some I am ultra-conservative, encouraging the value of the old, that which is true because it was proclaimed ages ago by ones now judged to be saints, with special access to Me. With some, like you, I am liberal, offering interpretations of truth that need no verification… for they are original, as most conservative thought once was. You have no testable credibility. Why should anyone consider what you write as spiritual truth? You still write with a ball point pen on paper. If you were speaking to the “modern world” you would be using a computer, now wouldn’t you?! Of course… so you lose possible credibility as a “modern”.

Ah, Me! Other realms are much more peaceful and “understandable” than this earth realm. Just as you enjoyed yesterday as a quiet, non-pressured day on the Farm so you will enjoy some days next, oh, actually this, week at the convention. The two experiences will be and are quite different, but you respond well to both. If you can make this adaptation surely I can, to realms quite different from one another.

SUN., APR. 14, 1996, 5:58 AM

Your culture is one that is big on testing for reality. It is important to differentiate between reality and illusion, now isn’t it?! Find out what is… and how it is different from what is only apparent. Yet, valuable as this attitude and the practices it has generated are to modern life, this earth scene, as I have created it (and continue to create), is a combination of reality that can be tested, in repetitive ways, and reality that can only be experienced.

This that We do together is some . . .

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