Realms And Realms

THURSDAY, JAN. 28, 1982, 5:22 AM

You soon will introduce the teaching into your Sunday class that life is continuous, and this is still a bit worrisome to you. I want to help ease this concern… and I do not need a lot of new information and insights to do that. Hear, then, o son, mostly a reinforcement of your knowledge and of previous teachings.

The fundamental behind the continuity of life, of course, is My love for each creation and My desire to have each soul reunite with Me after becoming what each was meant to be. In short, I do want everyone back! Another basic is that time is important only in the earth realm. In most other realms there is no time as you know it. Therefore questions such as “How long have you lived?” “Are you older than he?” are recognized as having relevance only in the earth realm.

The other fundamental is implied in this morning’s title… there are many realms of being. The experience of being incarnate in a human body in the earth is only one life experience (though an interesting and important one). All creation is not for the earth. Since the essence of life is spirit, not flesh and blood, creations of spirit can grow and develop in many realms, not just one of moderate temperatures, oxygen, and other life to feed upon.

There are spirit creations here in the earth that function in and around human beings whose lives are not affected by toxic chemicals, carcinogens, radiation, and the other threats to physical life. So… know that creation is not reserved for physical life in the earth. The Bible does not say this… because it is not so.

It is almost impossible to describe life in other realms to you when you have taken on an earth manifestation. You are among a small number of Westerners (meant globally) who are able and willing to realize this expanded view of life. You gave yourself the challenge of being born in the United States and into an orthodox Christian upbringing. It is to your spiritual credit that you have developed as you have without renouncing your culture or the orthodox forms of My most special religion. (Yes, it is My “best” in one sense, but then if you apply My teaching that the first shall be last you see that rank ordering anything of importance is an exercise in circularity.) You could be living a relatively primitive, ignorant life as a pygmy in the African bush and you would know more… KNOW more… about other realms than you do as Bob Russell. You picked the more demanding experience, you see. And you did have the development to accomplish in this part of this realm.

I shall reiterate another truth: knowing about other realms and the continuity of life dos not automatically make you a better Christian or a better functioning human. Some who see only this life and then some heavenly choir experience for eternity may live with more purpose and less selfishness than those who know more truth.

However, you have more potential for living life well, particularly as life becomes involved with death. To know that death is an opening rather a closing… an awakening to fullness rather than a going to sleep (which it can be, of course) should mean that life in the earth realm can be lived fully and joyfully right up to the end… for the end is just a door into another realm.

What about the Christian notion that you must decide for Christ now or you will be lost for eternity? This is partly truth and partly scare tactic. The truth is that to accept Me as Lord is the only basis of true growth. BUT those who do deny Me or ignore Me are still loved and have to grow in slower ways (which are just different) but will eventually come. The earth is a realm of surprises, even to Me, occasionally. Love it. Defend it. Keep it beautiful. But know that it is only a realm.

6:36 AM