Realms And Realms

MON., MAY 28, 1984, 7:35 AM (HST)

High in the sky and heading west… back to a land of pleasant memories of early years you fly. In physical life terms it is as if you have moved and are moving from realm to realm. The Farm is “far behind” as you are part of Paradise Springs; now that fades as you move toward Hawaii. Yet each shall reappear. Is this a linear reappearance or circular. Hear, o son, as I teach you again of realms… and realms.

This shall be a meditation that you must share with caution. Most of what I give you to consider is quite acceptable to orthodox Christians… and must be as long as I desire that you remain part of that earth community. But now and again I must talk to you of realms of which My Holy Scriptures only hint. This knowledge hurts your credibility with those whose orthodoxy binds rather than frees. At the same time it is a help to those who also move along your path. Your diminished effectiveness with some is countered by your increased relationship with others. So it must be, here in the earth.

The realms of being are many… certainly beyond the simple concept of earth, heaven, and hell. There is no point in trying to assign numbers and quantities to these realms. They simply do not lend themselves to any quantification. Realms of spirit are what they are, and these, by definition, go wholly beyond earth concepts.

As I have indicated before, some realms have relationship to incarnation in the earth. Angels, for example, often serve Me in guarding and guiding individual humans, families, and other groups. This is a realm of service in spirit… and I say again… earth life would not be nearly as good without angels and their ministrations.

Devas are another realm, with special love for the growing plants and, sometimes, animals here in the earth. Devas are responsible for your pine grove and for other good growth on your Farm. They often are disappointed that you don’t acknowledge them and seek their help when planting and tending. They are a force for good in My world, even though the Scriptures tell of them only obliquely. They are not evil, nor do they detract from My Ministry. They are just the farmers and gardeners of the spirit world.

Spirit guides are usually souls who have lived in the earth as humans and who prefer to serve in the many guiding ways possible rather than reincarnating and helping more directly. Thus, a spirit guide remembers and utilizes knowledge and abilities developed in the earth and also has access to a greater cosmic knowledge, personally and “universally”. Most persons are quite unaware of spirit guides, and most spirit guides tend to be unobtrusive. Occasionally, however, there is a “match up” between a gregarious, obtrusive spirit guide and a human of well developed spirit (who may even have served as a guide previously) and the result is usually made known, in print or by word of mouth.

Walk-ins are an interesting combinations of realms. I may speak more of them at another time, should I desire to make you more aware of this phenomenon. For now, just know that such exist, for specific, situational reasons.

MON., MAY 28, 1984, 7:35 AM (HST)

High in the sky and heading west… back to a land of pleasant memories of early years you fly. In physical life terms it is as if you have moved and are moving from realm to realm. The Farm is “far behind” as you are part of Paradise Springs; now that fades as you move toward Hawaii. Yet each shall reappear. Is this a linear reappearance or circular. Hear, o son, as I teach you again of realms… and realms.

This shall be a meditation that . . .

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