Reason And Spirit

SUN., APR. 20, 1986, 6:08 AM

It is not reasonable to be here at this desk, writing in this stylized fashion. It is not reasonable to expect that a Spirit will guide you in this meditation. It is not reasonable that these pages should put forth a message with so little effort on your part. Why, then, are you here? I have called to your spirit, even for this unorthodox “split session”, and you have responded, o son. Are reason and spirit always “opponents?”

Be clear first that reason is your mind’s capacity to think clearly and rationally and logically on the basis of certain premises. Thus, if your premise is that the Holy Spirit does not really exist OR that the Holy Spirit does not intervene in people’s lives in such a way, then it is reasonable to deny the reality that you claim for these Teachings. However, if your basic premise is that the Holy Spirit exists as an intelligence beyond your own, that He (I) does intervene in selected lives, and that this ritual brings forth this intervention, then it is quite reasonable to claim authenticity for these pages.

You are not searching for words now, but you are being inattentive and harboring some doubt. You know that you are hearing what you write (and have, many times before), but your mind tells you that this is not truly real… that you are kidding yourself. You have a fairly extensive vocabulary, and you are capable of this “freestyle” writing, so, reasonably, you are just doing what you can do and calling it something else.

But your spirit knows that you are doing the unreasonable. Despite the unlikeliness of it you are hearing from the Holy Spirit and being allowed, even urged, to write down what you hear. And therefore if you can do this, it certainly is reasonable to do so. Recess.

6:43 AM / 6:57

It is reasonable to try to be an example to others. If I, the Spirit, am guiding you, then your life must needs be exemplary. And yet I tell you not to try hard at being an example, and to be as minimally conscious of this as possible. Why? I am not against effort, and it is reasonable that if you work hard at something you will achieve more than if you give it minimal attention. Yet you must accept My more fundamental premise that too much attention makes for self-consciousness… and it is reasonable to reduce self-consciousness if you are to be the best example of a servant of Mine. I set different premises, and from these come reasonable thoughts and acts.

One of your discussions yesterday which was never completed concerned Matthew and his affirmed preference for a homosexual lifestyle. If homosexual acts are abominations that are eternally disgusting to Me then it is reasonable to condemn this decision and try to affirm love while condemning the way he lives. But if I love everyone of My earth creations and want every spirit to return, finally, to Me, and if everyone sins and falls short of perfection, then it is reasonable to accept such people as just a different part of My Kingdom.

SUN., APR. 20, 1986, 6:08 AM

It is not reasonable to be here at this desk, writing in this stylized fashion. It is not reasonable to expect that a Spirit will guide you in this meditation. It is not reasonable that these pages should put forth a message with so little effort on your part. Why, then, are you here? I have called to your spirit, even for this unorthodox “split session”, and you have responded, o son. Are reason and spirit always “opponents?”

Be clear first that reason is your mind’s capacity to think clearly . . .

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