
SAT., MAY 5, 1984, 5:36 AM

Your morning starts early and well, o son. The day is one for traveling, and you go from this place with a goodly amount of reassurance that you are part of what I called a “conspiracy” to restore the acceptance of spirit as an important aspect of health. You know that this is so, and you can tell it with increasing confidence. These few days in this place have provided reassurance… not vitally needed, but helpful, nevertheless.

As I told you as you commenced, your assignment was with groups, but your interaction with individuals was a vital part of this “mission” (and I say “mission” because while the word can aptly describe what you are and were doing, I still don’t want you to feel that you have to try to do this that we’re doing together. I want you to be aware of opportunities and to carry them out well, but I just want you to “be” who you are and what you are becoming, not the organizer of some concerted missionary effort.) The balance I called for was executed pretty well. Know that I am pleased with the effort, overall.

I told you not to overprepare for the presentations. You took this counsel for the class sessions, and these went well… and you felt good. You didn’t heed My advice for your major address; instead you tried to be well prepared, with notes, even. The notes were acceptable, for they had worked for two other presentations quite well, but this time you should have “taken on” the audience with just your spirit (and your guitar). Yes, accept this as reassurance that when you have opportunities to talk about spirit, you must depend mainly on spirit to guide you. Use notes as references before, but have in front of you only a few reminders of Me. When you finally put your notes aside, your communication was much better. Be reassured that for you, now, spirit is more capable than intellect.

Kris needs reassurance, and I do send it to her. Her concern is legitimate, when she thinks in rational, orthodox ways. Yet she must know that I have chosen her for what she is now, as well as for what she may become. She has opportunities that are important to Me. She is part of relationships that are pleasing to Me. She is unlikely… a servant who can’t even call My Name with any comfort. But that isn’t important. She needs only to be faithful to the directions I give to her… that she feels in her own spirit and that I send through you. So I say, “Be reassured, Kris. You are part of the team… you’re even in the starting lineup!”

You have reassurance now that these Teachings have influence and power, and you should feel a need to keep them organized and to take a bit more time to have them in typed and available form. (From whence does the time come? … I know your dilemma… that’s why I prefer to function outside of time…!)

SAT., MAY 5, 1984, 5:36 AM

Your morning starts early and well, o son. The day is one for traveling, and you go from this place with a goodly amount of reassurance that you are part of what I called a “conspiracy” to restore the acceptance of spirit as an important aspect of health. You know that this is so, and you can tell it with increasing confidence. These few days in this place have provided reassurance… not vitally needed, but helpful, nevertheless.

As I told you as you commenced, your assignment was with groups, but . . .

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