
SUN., JAN. 31, 1993, 6:33 AM

The theme for the sermon today seems to be reconciliation… the reconciling of sin with the standard of perfection that I want to see achieved. Remember, fundamentally, that I created this earth realm in a very purposeful way. I put it all together slowly and carefully, in ways that now can be studied scientifically. The human person, with an immortal soul and a brain that could discern at least some of what I have wrought was the last of creation, even as the entire process still goes on.

Thus, the creation affirms My Sovereignty, for I have never given up My rule over this realm, even as it may, at times, seem so. I created. I was in charge. I remain so, and it shall ever be so.

The purpose of My creation of humans is quite simple – spiritual growth. Individual spirits come forth from Me, the Holy Spirit. I am not diminished by this apparent “loss”, just as I am not increased when mature spirits return to Me. Spirit is neither lost nor gained, in one sense. In another I have the capacity to increase the amount of spirit, from My incredible wellspring of reserve.

To enhance spiritual growth I created this earth, perfectly, to be a realm of imperfection. There is evil. There is sin and much sinful behavior. Each day there are innumerable situations that deserve cries like: “Why, Lord?”, “Where are you, Lord?” and “Deliver us, O Lord!” These situations also encourage the thought that I am not present, that, if I am here, I have no power or no desire to help. In this realm spirits may grow or they may regress, and there is plenty of encouragement for this latter.

Humans thus are sinful creatures. By My standards you are utterly depraved. You pass up opportunities for service, you waste time, using it for unfit activities. But I came to the earth, lived as a human… taught, ministered, and healed. I gave up My life, nailed to a cross, and from that cruel, inhuman act came reconciliation. I created a “fast track” way for spiritual growth – giving yourself to Me, as I gave Myself to and for you. You are reconciled from your sinful acts and non-acts. I remember your sins no more. You become sinless, as I was and am sinless.

Then, for reasons of both efficiency and fun I decided to elect and call certain humans for certain tasks and for reasons of My own. So in this earth scene there are those I elect and call to special service. Many of these are quite aware of this calling, some are partly aware, and then some are unaware of this special designation. You know you are one of these, and this elicits both joy and embarrassment. You are not always true to your election and calling, but you have no doubt about your reconciliation to Me, the Sovereign God Who comes to you as the friendly, helpful, even playful Holy Spirit.

SUN., JAN. 31, 1993, 6:33 AM

The theme for the sermon today seems to be reconciliation… the reconciling of sin with the standard of perfection that I want to see achieved. Remember, fundamentally, that I created this earth realm in a very purposeful way. I put it all together slowly and carefully, in ways that now can be studied scientifically. The human person, with an immortal soul and a brain that could discern at least some of what I have wrought was the last of creation, even as the entire process still goes on.

Thus, the creation . . .

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