Recovery, Accompanied By Prophesy

FRI., APR. 29, 1994, 3:43 PM

The recovery process, for your “operated upon” back is proceeding, but not with the speed you expected. It was natural for you to assume you could be active in a matter of days, but, as you just have written for your church family, your spirit miscalculated your bodily strength and recuperative powers. You are at a better “speed” now.

You are disappointed that the restoration of function and feeling is not more obvious… more miraculous. Again, your expectations were, naturally, too high, and I elected not to be the miracle-worker I could have been. Of course I could have brought you out of your anaesthesia with fully feeling and functioning feet(!), which would have been high drama, and I’m sure you would have given Me the complete credit for such an unlikely happening. Remember, however, My judgment that you have had such a problem-free life (save for your worries over finances in your young family years, mostly unnecessary) that your spirit needs a few testings like this, to achieve a bit more growth here in this 7th decade. You’ll have to take My word for it… you’ll appreciate this when you come on over.

You should also share this with your Dad, for his has been a relatively trouble-free life, with generally good health almost to his 90’s. This loss of sight is bothersome, certainly, but it hasn’t come till now… and the spiritual challenge is to review the panorama of life with appreciation, with particular thanks for the opportunity of remaining independent and living in a good relationship with your Mother, even in this twilight of their lives. It is harder for him to feel this appreciation, for the loss of sight is certainly more of a loss than the perfect functioning of your toes. Yet I just warn that if he is too negative in these last years his transition into the next chapter of his spirit’s life will be much less easy.

Now, some comments on the prophesy, a book of experiences somewhat like yours and Mine. It came at a time when you were “free” to read it completely through in a day. It came with a special invitation of the Editor… connected with Kit Smith and Mongo Days. I helped keep your spiritual enthusiasm high enough for you to finish the journal and have a good sense of the story it told.

Your obvious question has to be – am I giving her experiences like these, so different from ones I share with you? From many Teachings you know the answer, and I am glad to see you apply what I have told you as a way of understanding how I have been with her. But let Me put it in direct words. (4:24 PM / 6:34 PM)

I love diversity… more than having everyone see the earth scene in the same way and relate to Me in the same way. It could truly be said that if I waned everyone to be in the model of Dorothy Mae, then I am the supreme inept Creator of all time. If I wanted every animal in the world to be exactly like your bull, Norman, then I surely have failed. And if I had the perception that “over time,” all animals would come to be like Norman, that would be pretty laughable, unless I decided to use supernatural powers in this excessive way, which is not My Way.

I am the only God there is. Therefore I respond to quite a wide way of acknowledging Me, some older than your Judeo-Christian era. I have told you that Christianity if My favorite religion… and I have told others, many others, that Christianity is the only way. Then I have told some that the Roman Catholic way is the only way (fewer than in years past)… and still others that the Baptist way is the only legitimate one, with one form of baptism required. And on… and on.

FRI., APR. 29, 1994, 3:43 PM

The recovery process, for your “operated upon” back is proceeding, but not with the speed you expected. It was natural for you to assume you could be active in a matter of days, but, as you just have written for your church family, your spirit miscalculated your bodily strength and recuperative powers. You are at a better “speed” now.

You are disappointed that the restoration of function and feeling is not more obvious… more miraculous. Again, your expectations were, naturally, too high, and I elected not to be the . . .

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