
JUNE 23, 1979, 6:45 AM

You are back where you belong, o son, and you must now establish a new rhythm. It shall be like unto the one you had before you left, but not identical, surely. There is much work to do. Yes, verily, this is a time of work – physical and intellectual.

Work is a rhythm that you know, but you often find yourself doing other things and then feeling guilty about what is left undone. This is an undesirable rhythm. Try to remain with the basic “commandment” – whatever you are doing, if it is worthwhile, do with a fullness of purpose and a gladness of heart, and worry not over things not being done. But be certain in thine heart that each is worthwhile. Be aware. Appreciate the value of all that you do, whether it be writing or fishing.

Organize, but as is your basic rhythm, be not a slave to your organization. Just refuse to “find yourself” doing something of less value. Truly appreciate the merit of all that you are doing. Your mind spins with what lies ahead. Your time of leisure is over. Mighty tasks lie ahead. You shall be surprised at what you accomplish. But you shall also be disappointed. Feel and appreciate the rhythm.

Matthew is in a good mood for talking. It is important to get this rhythm began right. Yes, of course, it shall take some time. Spend it well, and be aware of his needs. Respond to him, rather than forcefully becoming the dominant. Be yourself. Yes, this above all, to thine own self be true. (that should have been Scripture). But be as clear as you can be – to him and to yourself – as to who you truly are. And that should help Matthew, too, to see who he is.

JUNE 23, 1979, 6:45 AM

You are back where you belong, o son, and you must now establish a new rhythm. It shall be like unto the one you had before you left, but not identical, surely. There is much work to do. Yes, verily, this is a time of work – physical and intellectual.

Work is a rhythm that you know, but you often find yourself doing other things and then feeling guilty about what is left undone. This is an undesirable rhythm. Try to remain with the basic “commandment” – whatever you are doing, if it is worthwhile, do . . .

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