
FRI., JULY 26, 1991, 7:43 AM

Synod School is almost over. You’ve had your last full meal, with one class, the worship service, and the holy meal being left. These shall be through “in a twinkling,” and you will be on your way home to the good life you enjoy so much. You could have passed up this morning’s Teaching, but you are here, with enough time (if your spirit doesn’t wander or your pen fail you again). Hear, then, My reflections on this time here, o son.

This has been a good experience for you. You have carried out all of your assignments and self selected activities with a good spirit. There were enough compliments on your sermon for you to feel that you did it well. My suggestions were largely accepted, so I have to be approving. Though you are not surprised, you are disappointed that there weren’t at least a few folks who would share a conversion experience with you. Consider, however, that you didn’t ask anyone for such a testimony. You missed lots of opportunities to get individuals to tell you about their spiritual paths. That is an aspect of your life that is not very strong. I must help you improve this.

You did reveal your calling to the whole School, and there was little response. It just is not expected that a Presbyterian layman would have such an experience… and if you are having such it is good Presbyterian practice to not verbally acknowledge this. This is a characteristic… and a weakness. Yet this is your “group.” The dilemma I give you is that while the content of what I share with you can be accepted by many here, the process is suspect. With “groups” who could accept the process, the content is “inappropriate.” This means that for Pentecostal Christians what I say is too “liberal,” and for “New age” people what you say I say is too Christianly religious. You’re right. There’s no ideal place for you.

Nevertheless, you have picked up a few new readers. You don’t need many more. Continue to prune your mailing list. But… I digress.

You have the feeling that you shall not return here, at least next year. Yet you don’t want to say this. It has been all that you expected, but nothing more. Perhaps this is all the appreciation you can muster for something that takes you away from your wife, your Farm, and the life divided between the Farm and the university. On the other hand, don’t make a decision until you hear or don’t hear that the Committee invites you to teach or… whatever.

Actually this has been a good week for your spirit. The only negative has been the pain and weakness in your left leg… but wasn’t it amazing how all that pain and stiffness seemed to disappear as you danced last evening. Maintain your positive attitude. You have virtually no night pain, and you may be able to regain the function gradually. Let Mary’s hands do their job. The be patient.

Back to spirit… the morning reflection on the Psalms was a good way to start your day (even better after a walk around the campus). The Coffee House was a good way to end it, with the last night being rewarding for your spirit. You were ready for last evening and disappointed that you didn’t get to finish as you wanted to, but that was a minor set back.

The class was not a high point, but it was reasonably satisfying. The vesper service was spirit-raising, and you did share a Teaching with that small group. You were not really hard pressed through the week, and that’s good for your spirit.

FRI., JULY 26, 1991, 7:43 AM

Synod School is almost over. You’ve had your last full meal, with one class, the worship service, and the holy meal being left. These shall be through “in a twinkling,” and you will be on your way home to the good life you enjoy so much. You could have passed up this morning’s Teaching, but you are here, with enough time (if your spirit doesn’t wander or your pen fail you again). Hear, then, My reflections on this time here, o son.

This has been a . . .

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