Reflections On A Conference

JULY 30, 1986, 5:46 AM

You were not sure how this would be titled, but you were certain that I, the Holy Spirit, would reflect and comment upon the two days and an evening conference in which you just have participated. You were not as aware as you should have been of My presence… though you did appreciate, appropriately, that I was within many of the participants, was wholly Other, and was also part of the group that formed for the experience. So, yes, o son, I was there, observing and participating.

You felt Me nudging you to participate more actively, but you were balancing that with My previous direction that you not present yourself publicly as a “channel” for My thoughts… along with your recognition that this meeting was mainly for therapists and your orientation, by My direction, is different. I enjoyed your own reflections on the drive home, and some of these could have been introduced to others there. Yet it was My servant Charlie’s conference, and you took a rather humble role, and I rarely am critical of this. You shall have opportunities to be more of a leader in conferences of this sort. There is no hurry!

It would be wise for you to go over the tapes fairly soon, noting material that could be useful to you. Remember that there is no need to be critical of another who is on a somewhat different path than you are. If you are aware of this basic truth you will waste little time trying to change others or bring them to your truth… while learning some important lessons from them. For your path does cross and recross that of some others, including several conference participants, and these similarities are as important as the differences.

The emphasis on story-telling was one of which I approve (as you know, certainly), even though the focus was mostly on stories of trouble and pain. You could have added, at any one of several points, that it is just as important to tell stories of the good, positive happening in life. I am quite aware that stories form more easily around painful and traumatic incidents, but I urge you to be an advocate of stories that tell of positive happenings, of happy and/or mystical encounters with Me (in any of the myriad ways I help out in the earth), and of constructive events and relationships. Stories reflect reality in ways of which I approve, and, in the process, become reality themselves. The positive must never be overshadowed by the negative, and this message is part of your mission.

You told, briefly and discreetly, of Our continuing relationship… and this was enough to introduce some Teachings and Ruminations to these two people. You needn’t be concerned as to whether either responds. You need only make the introduction. Never be concerned about the consequences of Our work together. You do your part and leave the consequences in My quite capable hands.

JULY 30, 1986, 5:46 AM

You were not sure how this would be titled, but you were certain that I, the Holy Spirit, would reflect and comment upon the two days and an evening conference in which you just have participated. You were not as aware as you should have been of My presence… though you did appreciate, appropriately, that I was within many of the participants, was wholly Other, and was also part of the group that formed for the experience. So, yes, o son, I was there, observing and participating.

You felt Me nudging you . . .

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