Reflections On A “First”

SAT., JUNE 22, 1991, 5:00 AM

Yes, o son, it is appropriate that you hear My reflections on the conference just completed, perhaps the first, with others following. It was not your “ordinary” conference, given the small numbers attending and the various pains you had to endure, some of which still linger and are the impetus for you being here at this early hour.

The site, as expected, was almost ideal, though not quite as isolated as Hanover College. The accommodations were quite adequate, and the rooms ideal, if participants and chairs in rooms had achieved a better match. Meals were good, and the organization was commendable. There was variety in the presentations, showing at least some of the range of interest and thought in relation to human spirituality and health or wellness.

Andrea responded well to My call to her to organize and carry out such a conference. A combination of energies brought about support that only could have been hoped for. But will We be able to repeat and improve on such a meeting? Will new resources arise or will some available this year “dry up” for future years? I cannot give you answer to these specific questions, but I can say that the spiritual wellness movement has progressed because this small group assembled in Wisconsin.

You could have shared a bit more in relation to Our Ruminations. It will be important for you to send some copies to selected people and to add Joan to the mailing list. This is a more important Letter than you realize. Scaling it down one page with this next issue should make it sustainable for the near future. This next issue should be written this coming week, of course, you may have to do it in some amount of pain, as you endure at this moment.

You are right in continuing to feel no need for information about chakras, auras, and like phenomena. Rather, your focus should be back on My Holy Scriptures, symbolized by your portrayal of My servant Paul this next week. I will offer you plenty of contemporary thought and interpretation, so you needn’t look beyond these pages… unless I direct you specifically to other readings. You probably shall not tire of seeking ideas from other sources, and I shall not tire of urging you back to My fundamental sources. Our “game” goes on.

One of the joys of conference participation is reencountering people who have been at previous meetings, which reenergizes the spirit of joint venturing. This is sufficient motivation for you to plan to attend next year’s meeting, offering this as a promise to Andrea even next month. She will feel the need for support, and yours will be rather important.

Responses to various aspects of the conference were partly affected by pains that you felt or anticipated. And thus it shall be this week, most probably. Paul, My apostle, who you will portray this week, did much of what he did in establishing and helping to maintain churches while in pain. It is not a common human condition, but neither is it uncommon. Remember Sakini’s important observation: pain make man think; thought make man wise; wisdom make life endurable. More positively put: wisdom is what long life is all about. With developed wisdom… including some originating in pain… life can be both more fully lived and more easily given up. You have not yet achieved such wisdom, but you are at the right sources.

SAT., JUNE 22, 1991, 5:00 AM

Yes, o son, it is appropriate that you hear My reflections on the conference just completed, perhaps the first, with others following. It was not your “ordinary” conference, given the small numbers attending and the various pains you had to endure, some of which still linger and are the impetus for you being here at this early hour.

The site, as expected, was almost ideal, though not quite as isolated as Hanover College. The accommodations were quite adequate, and the rooms ideal, if participants and chairs in rooms had achieved a . . .

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