Reflections On A Gift

TUES., AUG. 24, 1993, 5:43 AM

Your aching shoulder supposedly was the cause of your early awakening, but very quickly you had to consider that I, the Holy Spirit, really did want your first waking hour today. This is the day you meet Fall classes for the first time, actually commencing your 45th year in this ministry of teaching. What better way to begin such a day than with what We call a Teaching.

This relationship that produces these Teachings (and, yes, I am aware of the disarray on this table where they should be “decently in order”) is a gift, from Me to you. You did not earn or merit it, and your use of it, while satisfactory, is not so exemplary that you are, in effect, earning it now. It still remains a gift, and I even have to urge you up to take advantage of it. Yet here you are… and here am I.

It is a gift of hearing Me, in a cadence that fits your handwriting. The Teaching can focus on any subject imaginable, from the very personal to the very very practical or philosophical… even Biblical. In addition to hearing, the gift urges you to write down what you hear, for future use. Your organization of this relatively vast number of Teachings is satisfactory, even as you have fallen behind now. You are more faithful in hearing and writing than you are in organizing what you have for some help to others.

This, of course, is wherein the gift is a mixed blessing. You are quite willing to come in the quiet of an early morning hour and hear Me. You are equally comfortable in writing as you hear Me. Your reluctance, as a servant of Mine, kicks in when there are opportunities to share this gift with others.

Oh, you are rather faithful with your Ruminations, but you are not eager to let people know about this, that We do together. For example, you should send the Teaching centered on Pastor Sarvela’s story to him, along with the two Ruminations that focus on My love of fun and humor. You should be sending Teachings to Mabel, as I suggested. Andy needs your spiritual fellowship now, based in Teachings. She is just getting started, and though My approach with her is not just like yours, I do want her to write what she hears from Me… and she needs a boost in doing this.

You see, you have a number of opportunities to follow-up on this gift, making it available for others to utilize. You consider that son John Patrick may take on this task after you have passed on over or, for some reason, stop producing these. This could be, but that would be his gift. Yours is here now, and your life is far from over (earth portion, that is!), so follow more of My directions to share this gift more fully.

From My experience as Jesus, here in the earth, I have appreciation of how hard it is, sometimes, to resist the secular calls for your time and attention. Therefore one of My “urgings” is that you try to see each task as a ministry… a part of your mission as a Christian here in the earth, in this place. Fairly often you do see your teaching in this way, but you also shall get caught up in the mundane details of a secular job. Try to every event, every encounter, as just another way of My coming to you.

This is a common message I have for most born-again Christians, but you have the gift of hearing Me remind you… frequently. You, then, could remind others, if you would more fully utilize this gift. Some gifts are to keep and treasure, personally. Others are to share, and this is more difficult for you than receiving it.

TUES., AUG. 24, 1993, 5:43 AM

Your aching shoulder supposedly was the cause of your early awakening, but very quickly you had to consider that I, the Holy Spirit, really did want your first waking hour today. This is the day you meet Fall classes for the first time, actually commencing your 45th year in this ministry of teaching. What better way to begin such a day than with what We call a Teaching.

This relationship that produces these Teachings (and, yes, I am aware of the disarray on this table where they should be “decently in . . .

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