Reflections On A Journey

MON., JUNE 18, 1984, 1:11 PM (PDT)

You have not yet returned to your work and your Farm, but this major portion of your summer journey is over, and you fly in this “easy leg” toward this home destination. It is not unexpected, then, that I urge you to this time of meditation in a not-so-quiet environment to record some reflections of Mine on this period now closing. Write as you hear, o son.

You were not completely faithful to the commitment I urged upon you, and there were some times when you could have given yourself to this worthwhile task. I am seldom critical of particular behaviors, but, as I have told you, I am not lenient in regard to faithfulness. When you return home I ask for an hour each day for the remainder of this month. It can involve any combination of writing and reading previous Teachings… and, in addition, you must select or type ones which should be mailed to those interested.

Yes, the Sunday afternoon just past was quite a time of discovery. I had warned you to be aware, and though you missed some opportunities you developed others, and it was a rather profitable time of sharing and finding some who may profit from My Teachings to you. Do not fail to follow up on these contacts. Your “follow-through” is sometimes faulty.

The tape for Dorothy is another important omission. She needs your help before her journey. Do not become so busy that you do not fulfill this responsibility. I assure you that it is one I have laid upon you and want followed up. It is time Dorothy came into a closer and more active relationship with Me. You must be a major means.

As long as I am being critical I shall respond to your prayer for forgiveness and note that I am disappointed that you did not share with your parents some of the Teachings that you brought along and proposed to share. You are forgiven, of course, but you should do a tape for them of these and send it… with the relevant Teachings. Do not be so reluctant to share this aspect of your life with these parents of yours. They shall be more accepting than you now think they shall be.

Just accept the challenge that the week after you return shall be primarily devoted to your Farm and to this “mission work” that I have offered to you. Preparation for the workshop should be a priority also, but I shall offer you more help with that. You have had your vacation, and you were not dutiful enough in My meager requirements, so hear clearly that you are to spend little time in rest and relaxation… until these assignments are completed.

In a more positive vein I tell you that you did accomplish much that you wanted to… and the time was a worthy combination of varied activity and easy resting time. I have no objection to your tan.

3:03 PM / 4:45 PM

It is important for Me to repeat again, as a major reflection, that spirit is the essence of life and of every important demonstration of life. There was spirit in this funny/sad movie, though there was no direct identification with Me. Just be aware of spirit and also show it forth. It is easier to see in retrospect, of course, and to feel in these times of meditation. You shall develop, however, in the capacity to discern spirit in many types of situations. This shall increase your appreciation of life… and your joy in the living of it.

A time for your reflection… this is what lies ahead. Some of it can be recreational and some of a fantasy nature. Some, however, should be serious contemplation, of personal value to you and also professional. Consider this a unique opportunity, and be not reticent to tell others of this.

MON., JUNE 18, 1984, 1:11 PM (PDT)

You have not yet returned to your work and your Farm, but this major portion of your summer journey is over, and you fly in this “easy leg” toward this home destination. It is not unexpected, then, that I urge you to this time of meditation in a not-so-quiet environment to record some reflections of Mine on this period now closing. Write as you hear, o son.

You were not completely faithful to the commitment I urged upon you, and there were some times when . . .

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