Reflections On A Month

JAN. 25, 1981, 6:05 AM

One month ago today was Christmas morning, o son, and you were up early writing a meditation for that day. The month since has had a number of events, many of them worthy of comment by Me… a way of letting Me tell you “how you’re doing”. Hear the word of the Lord on this Christian Sabbath.

The teaching on Christmas, one month ago, was a good one… and relevant to the day you experienced (should you be surprised?). Wilma Ruth expressed a desire to have a copy, and you should be sure that she gets one. You have had an inclination to write to her since your visit there; I say, “Do so”. You know what I said at the end of the one in May about your developing relationship. Don’t let it remain undeveloped any longer.

Your return to teaching has been a good one. The spirit you have evidenced this week is superior. Still, as you know, this is a crucial week. You get into each course more fully, and yet I still want you to show forth spirit… My Spirit… as these opportunities for learning develop. As you plan the course sessions keep this as a top priority. It may show forth in the process, the content, or both. Both you and I shall know if you have made the attempt. Don’t neglect this. You put it on the list. Good!

Your relationships with Matthew have been reasonably positive since your return. Follow the inclination to be with and speak toward him in as positive a fashion as possible. He has some motivations underneath which can surface. Allow such. Keep criticism to a minimum and about important matters. One of the things that impresses you about these teachings of Mine in relation to you, personally, is the relative minor role given to sharp criticism. I have a right to come down hard on you, for you are not meeting My expectations for you in many ways. Still, I know that your spirit is responding and developing, and I want this to continue. If I can use a positive approach with you shouldn’t you try the comparable with your young son?

You are once again into one of those periods of financial malaise. You must borrow and juggle and do other maneuverings that shall cause a dropping of spirit. Be responsible, but consider this minimally. Give it small attention, as compared to other focuses of mind and spirit. It is part of your test of yourself and must be borne as painlessly as possible. Know that I would not have you feel differently than you do about living within your income. That is part of the test.

JAN. 25, 1981, 6:05 AM

One month ago today was Christmas morning, o son, and you were up early writing a meditation for that day. The month since has had a number of events, many of them worthy of comment by Me… a way of letting Me tell you “how you’re doing”. Hear the word of the Lord on this Christian Sabbath.

The teaching on Christmas, one month ago, was a good one… and relevant to the day you experienced (should you be surprised?). Wilma Ruth expressed a desire to have a copy, and you . . .

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