Reflections On A Prophetic Story

SAT., DEC. 31, 1994, 2:40 PM

You finally have finished this story, combining adventure and prophecies of a new type of world civilization. You see, of course, that there are some fascinating parallels with the content of some of My Teachings to you, over these years. The author’s spiritual path is obviously different from yours, but spiritual insights are primarily for unification. To dwell upon differences and reject a whole “path” because of one or a few disagreements is not what I recommend.

The insight on coincidences is certainly an easy one for you to accept. You know this is part of your spiritual life here in the earth, and increasingly you shall be aware of these as they occur, rather than in retrospect. I challenge you to be more aware of people you meet and situations in which you are a part. Some of these just happen, and these can be quite worthwhile, but others are “of Me,” and I am disappointed when you don’t pick up on these. If it is an important “coincident,” however, I shall arrange for it to occur again. I respect your will and way, but I am not bound by your “misses”.

What the author calls being “aloof” is a response you recognize in yourself. You miss out on some of life’s opportunities because you are unwilling to “enter in” in some direct way. You stay aloof, “deciding,” and then “miss out.” Now that you are aware of this tendency you may be more able to counter it. On the other hand, you often consider that you have too many life situations that require active involvement. This means that you must be more discerning and stay away or withdraw from situations of spiritual insignificance.

This Farm of yours may not have the inherent spiritual power of Sedona, Virginia Beach, mountains or old growth forests, but it is your special sacred place, and you must become more comfortable in affirming this. Peter’s Park is an obvious site, and your meditation garden is a spot to be maintained in beauty. Consider other portions… but be sure and keep the picnic table area looking well, for much spiritual power is exchanged as class groups meet out there. The gift of a new carpet improves this inside area… a fine present, lovingly given… which makes it even more “powerful.”

You realize, of course, that although there are references to Me, as God, in the story, I am not portrayed as an active participant in this evolution of human/spiritual interacting. From your perspective and experience I am active, particularly as the Source of spiritual energy. There is physical energy in the earth, and it is a scientific truism that all of it comes or has come from one ultimate source, the sun. This center of your system was once not so recognized. In Biblical times it was seen as just a handy source of light and heat, rather than as the center of your system and the source of all energy. Science confirms this, but doesn’t yet admit the corollary… that I am the Source of all spiritual power. Spirit comes forth from Me, and then also returns to Me. Because of the Christ spirit each of you can mirror Me. You can emanate spirit, and receive spirit from Me, from places, special people, and certain events.

SAT., DEC. 31, 1994, 2:40 PM

You finally have finished this story, combining adventure and prophecies of a new type of world civilization. You see, of course, that there are some fascinating parallels with the content of some of My Teachings to you, over these years. The author’s spiritual path is obviously different from yours, but spiritual insights are primarily for unification. To dwell upon differences and reject a whole “path” because of one or a few disagreements is not what I recommend.

The insight on coincidences is certainly an easy one for you to accept . . .

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