Reflections On A Vacation

MON., AUG. 23, 1982, 6:55 PM (PDT)

Your time on this familiar island is over, o son, and you head (poor planning, but go ahead… your liturgy is well established) back to responsibility, opportunities, and relative stability. As you fly, however, hear some words of reflection. It was good that you read over all the teachings of the past two weeks, plus. These shall constitute a rhythm with the events and meetings that were part of your vacation. This shall always be the case as your life goes on… balance the actual experiences and remembrances thereof with My comments in the same time frame.

The experiences with your Mother were the least pleasant aspect of the visit to Hawaii, but remember that I told you that this is one of growth. You have a spiritual story to write concerning this… and you have a better understanding of a type of illness that you did not have before. Your Mother’s state is one of confusion, and the most fundamental part of this is over whether or not it is time for her to die… to pass on over to another realm. Her medical helpers want her to live, of course, and the treatments are intended to reduce the feelings of fear and hopelessness. She is aware of this, and she cannot but respond favorably to it at times. I asserted before that her spirit is fairly well developed; however, it does not provide her with a clear enough picture of other realms, and thus she clings to life-saving, having some fear of the unknown.

The confusion arises because she also feels that her times of usefulness are past… that she should not be the obvious burden that she is. Yet there is value in you who are well bearing the burdens of the sick.

There is an important sense in which this vacation would not have had the positive quality it had if the experiences around Kekela had not occurred. You, your father, and your sister all were of help to one another. This is a major criterion for a spiritual experience.

You saw many old friends and heard of many in their families who you did not see and meet. In proper reflection you can see a range of spiritual growth and spirit manifestation. Some will remain only secular friends, while some have advanced to those with whom you can share some of your spirit’s insights and some of My teachings. Every major experience that you have in the future should be similar. Don’t fail to follow up on these as you return to your study.

Though there was joy in the sunny, warm days your reflections shall verify that your base should be where it is, academically, geographically, and spiritually. Enter wholeheartedly into your teaching opportunities, especially the Sunday morning class. You must guide learning well, and continue to learn yourself in the processes.

There is a certain contrast between your own immediate family and this branch that you just visited. Though you have certain feelings about the superiority of this branch, hold these lightly. In the matter of spirit there are evidences in both families. See them as simply different manifestations of family life, one not being inherently superior to the other. As I have told you before, your sister has had more bodily pain than you, and you have had more family pain than she. Both were for purposes you shall remember as life in the earth is finally pau.

MON., AUG. 23, 1982, 6:55 PM (PDT)

Your time on this familiar island is over, o son, and you head (poor planning, but go ahead… your liturgy is well established) back to responsibility, opportunities, and relative stability. As you fly, however, hear some words of reflection. It was good that you read over all the teachings of the past two weeks, plus. These shall constitute a rhythm with the events and meetings that were part of your vacation. This shall always be the case as your life goes on… balance the actual experiences . . .

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