Reflections On A Visit

OCT. 9, 1980, 5:29 AM

Yesterday you made a visit to Lindy Goodman and, in its course, shared your perceptions of this meditation We do together, as well as several of the teachings. This was a visit worthy of some reflection, o son. Let Me guide you in such.

Lindy is a rather healthy looking woman and you know that she has the experience of faith in and personal experience with Me. As she said I have not made her aware of Me in any way as direct as this that We do, but I have responded to her prayers and supplications. She has much, in the ways of the world. Still, this is not a happy time for her. Why not?

The rhythm of her life has moved from that characterized by an outpouring for others to one of concentration upon self. There are physical and mental difficulties, and these seem to prevent the kind of service that she generated in the past. Yet it is the sad truth that as she concentrates on recovering and on regaining the strength to serve again she is losing the capacity to do so because of her concern for self.

Let’s move to a reflective generalization rather than continue with too harsh an evaluation of Lindy. The purpose of life, particularly here in the earth, is to serve Me in whatever ways you can… but particularly in helping other humans in a wide variety of ways. Opportunities are everpresent. And the spiritual truth is that as you give yourself, you develop in spirit, and this has a health-giving, unifying effect over the rest of the self. In general, it is the best preventive measure against all forms of illness.

Still, illness or disability may occur (sometimes just naturally and sometimes as a test… and you can never know for sure which it is). The medical model tends to say, “Concentrate upon self… be ministered to… stop all sharing activity until health is restored… medicine and surgery and chemicals are the way back to health”. The spiritual model counters, “The way back to health is in service to others… minister to those who care for you… let others minister to you but gently and lovingly minister in return… if medicine and surgery and chemicals seem necessary, accept them in order to serve again more fully… you return to wellness by being well in the midst of sickness… the last shall be first… he who would save his life shall lose it.”

OCT. 9, 1980, 5:29 AM

Yesterday you made a visit to Lindy Goodman and, in its course, shared your perceptions of this meditation We do together, as well as several of the teachings. This was a visit worthy of some reflection, o son. Let Me guide you in such.

Lindy is a rather healthy looking woman and you know that she has the experience of faith in and personal experience with Me. As she said I have not made her aware of Me in any way as direct as this that We do, but I have . . .

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