Reflections On A Visit

TUES., SEPT. 28, 1993, 6:40 AM

Chris’ visit concludes today. Life goes on in busy fashion for both you and Lenore, but you need to hear some of My reflections on this “time together.” I wanted this to happen, bringing some growth to each of you, but I wasn’t going to force the issue. Yet My Teaching to you about the visit was an important factor in her decision. She hears Me, the Holy Spirit, in ways different than you do, but one of the “ways” is through these Teachings… your hearing Me and writing.

Chris’ routine for keeping her body systems clean and healthy was disturbed, as would be expected. At home she can experience her days in a set, expected way, giving her body the best opportunity to “manufacture” and distribute its healing substances. Any stress, even one or more good, positive ones, can interrupt this physical flow. So why did I want this to happen?… because I do want to see her healed. I wanted her spirit to have this many faceted experience, and this required the disruption of the physical routine. It is a balancing that is necessary, from time to time.

She spoke positively about her healing process, and these words are genuine, for she is certain that her body, through its saving means, will reject and consume these cancer cells. Many such victories have been won by spiritual means, rather than by invasive ones, so she genuinely wants to be in this special throng of humans who have conquered this threat from within… with some help from Me, internally and externally (though these aren’t real dimensions of reality for Me). I do not prophesy to you about how this will come out. I’ll just say that I like the progress, her attitude, and her present state.

I have no objection to her interest in Reiki nor to her “treatment” by Nelson last evening. There is much more to the human person than Western scientific medicine can prove or admit. Science, as it is generally practiced, is a good, but to claim that it is the only way to understand or that all viable treatments must be based in it is very short-sighted and limited. Just as spirit cannot be measured and identified in a place, so there are a number of energies that help or hinder the body in its functioning. Reiki is a way of restoring and redirecting such energies, abetted by that which the practitioner can provide. It is closer to My way than surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. (And these could be more effective if they were done with prayer and other spiritual approaches.)

The gathering here Sunday evening of the friends she most wanted to see and relate to was a success, an important event in he weekend of her visit. The harmony of the group with her spirit was symbolized by that in the singing of the Doxology. You hadn’t planned that, and I’ll admit that I pushed for that “means toward oneness,” even twice (with you starting it once and Chris the other). There were lots of conversations, some quite good, but that was the dual event in which you were all together in harmony. I wanted that, and I liked it.

Chris had lots of occasions to talk, telling of her present life, its joys, its positive qualities, and its “rough spots.” She also talked some of her past and her awareness of how past events have contributed, in various ways, to her present life and its conditions. This helped to achieve a better balance in her spirit, and her spirit is, of course, the actual fount or wellspring of her health and her healing powers.

TUES., SEPT. 28, 1993, 6:40 AM

Chris’ visit concludes today. Life goes on in busy fashion for both you and Lenore, but you need to hear some of My reflections on this “time together.” I wanted this to happen, bringing some growth to each of you, but I wasn’t going to force the issue. Yet My Teaching to you about the visit was an important factor in her decision. She hears Me, the Holy Spirit, in ways different than you do, but one of the “ways” is through these Teachings… your hearing Me and writing.

Chris . . .

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