Reflections On An “Imperfection”

SUN., AUG. 20, 1995, 12:23 AM

Sleep is not coming to you this night thus far. In the past you have had pains that have prevented sleep – in the back, shoulder, leg, foot. Now the pain comes from another kind of imperfection… carelessness in backing your big auto, resulting in a small dent in the new car next to yours. It certainly is no major cause for concern, but I’m glad you took advantage of the sleeplessness and came here to listen to My reflections. They are always of more import than sleep.

It was no major accident, with, certainly, no bodily injuries or deaths. You could partly appreciate the young women’s frustration in seeing this small imperfection in a “perfect” new car. Yet know that I am with you in putting virtually no value on expensive, new cars, and little value on cars except as means of transportation. You have never had a new car, and, with My guidance, you never will. I realize the economic importance of your automobile industry, and the jobs this industry provides, but I see it as only a step or two above the manufacture of nuclear weapons in this earth scene I have created. I have allowed this development, but with some reluctance. The price of such vehicles is an abomination, but you shall have to bear some of it, with this mistake in judgment.

You did think about, and did mention, the terrible contrast between this “imperfection” of yours and that now bringing suffering and premature death to your loved friend, Chris. Despite her desires to give My healing powers the full opportunity to destroy this cancer it has progressed. In her case it would have taken a miracle of the major sort, and I don’t do those often. Cancer is one of the “side effects” of your technological culture, and isn’t it ironic that she developed this condition while living in the state famed for its manufacture of new cars.

When the naturalistic and spiritual healing processes weren’t apparently effective she went to radiation and chemo, the combat approach that is dominant in your culture. It obviously wasn’t a healing process and may have done more harm than good. But am I troubled by this outcome? You can’t imagine that I am.

Oh, she and Easy have had a good life together, and she has been of much spiritual help to him, as he readily testifies. Yet this was not sufficient cause for My intervening in the functioning of her body. Instead I shall welcome her into My closer company than would have been expected. She was having some doubts about Me and My ways and life everlasting. Soon that will no longer be necessary. It should be an easy transition, with the help of hospice, one of your culture’s developments of which I completely approve. I look forward to her journey over, and to a closer walk with her. I have taken her sins upon Myself, as promised, and she shall have some good choices for the continuation of her spiritual journey, not yet completed.

It will be her choice, but I feel sure she’ll be present at the memorial service in your mutual home church. If you have a part in it, as you desire to, you should make such an affirmation. I don’t order it, but I’d approve of such a revelation.

You have not yet responded to Denise, and you must do that before she goes for the operation to “fix her imperfection”. She has asked for your prayers, and you’ve tried… and I appreciate the attempt more than the quality. Praying for My intervention is not easy for you, and I’m mostly to “blame”.

SUN., AUG. 20, 1995, 12:23 AM

Sleep is not coming to you this night thus far. In the past you have had pains that have prevented sleep – in the back, shoulder, leg, foot. Now the pain comes from another kind of imperfection… carelessness in backing your big auto, resulting in a small dent in the new car next to yours. It certainly is no major cause for concern, but I’m glad you took advantage of the sleeplessness and came here to listen to My reflections. They are always of more import than sleep.

It was no . . .

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