Reflections On Life On The Run

MAY 30, 1980, 8:38 AM

You are off and running again, o son, and so, as the rain pelts down let Us share some reflections on this life as it is developing and unfolding. In the midst of running slow down for a moment and contemplate the advantages, the whys, and the alternatives.

Know, first of all, that you are doing My Will, and the way your life is moving is pretty much according to My rhythm. It is not your time to be quiet and contemplate, so do not long for that now. It shall come at the right time, and what you are doing now is right for the present. Do not let go of Our tried and true principle: if what you are doing is worthwhile worry not about the other things you are not doing. You violated that too much this last week, and two kind, perceptive young women commented upon its effect on your appearance. Don’t “try harder”… just know you are doing the right things and do them with vigor and integrity.

Some might think that being in My Will always leaves you calm, serene, and unharried. Not so. Read the Scriptures. All of My good servants have had their times of strife, trouble, and dis-ease. Even I, as Jesus in the earth, felt irritations and spoke in ways not characteristic of a gentle, centered Master. So be fully aware of and appreciate the feelings of ambivalence, the times of jitteriness, and the pangs of conscience for responsibilities not met. As you do this you are still on the path. Hear My teachings. Feel the buoyancy return and the rhythm proceed.

Now, true, this could be a rationalization, but it could also be the truth from My Mind and Heart. That is an essential part of your story. You believe in Me. You have faith that these teachings are truth. It is not that you are devoid of doubts. It is that your faith surmounts the doubts. The odds for your best future are in following My Way… as I describe it to you. Compare with Scriptures. But always opt for Me.

Your chance observations this morning gives you an opportunity for a letter to Matthew. See it as such. What shall be the balance of spirit and practicality you try to communicate? You shall not know until you try.

I was not giving you trouble in relation to the letter yesterday. Your revision of it was acceptable and Lenore shall handle the rest quite competently. All good things do not spring forth without trouble. For a lot of reasons this was a troublesome task, but so was your little book on death and dying… yet both shall be contributions of value to Me. You felt that I might be trying to prevent you from finishing that task, but the stronger feeling was that it was just “hard to do”. Good for you!

Concentrate first, today on the work relative to the weekend class. Do not feel that this is just a means to an end. It is a very important bunch of young people, and they need and desire your warm, loving attention on Saturday and Sunday. Design the sessions you do carefully, achieving interaction and opportunities to interact with one another.

THEN… look forward to the many visits. All shall not work out as you anticipate… but some will be pleasantly surprising. Toward the end of the week turn your attention to the musical opportunities in the near future and redesign that according to My suggestions. The improvements shall be quite satisfying.

So… know that you are “on the run”, but your life is one of service to Me, so this is “right running”. Your health is in Me… so know that there are healthy ways to be frustrated and jangled. Be aware of what alcohol does to you, positive and negative. Urge others to do likewise. See how it heals… as well as destroys.

Finally, you see and hear Me pushing the “tell your story” concept in many ways. You shall be in contact with My servant Bob sometime this year… and, yes, you should get those tapes from Father Shea. Begin to practice this mode of teaching, for you must become expert in its use and recognized as one of its best practitioners.

Keep on the run, but hear Me sometime each day. Be aware and appreciate… old but important admonitions.

9:34 AM