Reflections On Life

SATURDAY, JAN. 30, 1982, 7:41 AM

It is a warm, rainy, foggy morning, an unusual day for this winter season. I have no special, unusual teaching for you today, so let Us write some reflections on life… yours and life in general.

You wonder, sometimes, about how long you shall live and whether there will be marked changes as you live longer. For how many more years can you stack hay in the barn and then climb up and throw it down. Yes, that would be a change if you really couldn’t do that. Carrying wood is another need, and you realize that you almost lost that capacity when your back did it’s little “act up number”. Continue to have some appropriate awareness of the feelings in that important part of your structure.

Your comments yesterday about your job – profession were fair representations of your proper attitude, although they could have been even more positive. Your position is a privileged one, for teaching is one of the true privileges of life. It is one of the main ways that I function, in this earth and in other realms, and I commend it highly to those who have elected it as a life work… and I urge on those, like yourself, who have been elected to do this job in special ways. I never want to hear a complaint from you about any task that has an educating element to it. For it is through teaching that you learn best, and learning is one of the main reasons for life, here in the earth. So, go ahead, be more of a zealot for what you do, and simply counter the wheedlings of those who feel “put-upon” in this privileged life.

You enjoy traveling, but you also love the steady time here on the Farm. You shall continue to have opportunities to balance these joys, with less travel and more time that should be used for Our work together. (For instance, can you use this day well for educative, communicative matters?) Also, this place is starting to look messy again. Do something about that.

Your sons progress along through life, each hearing a slightly different beat, but all from Me. Your hopes for them shall be realized, and more. Even Matthew shall turn and be a person of spiritual quality… but his time on the fringes is not yet spent.

SATURDAY, JAN. 30, 1982, 7:41 AM

It is a warm, rainy, foggy morning, an unusual day for this winter season. I have no special, unusual teaching for you today, so let Us write some reflections on life… yours and life in general.

You wonder, sometimes, about how long you shall live and whether there will be marked changes as you live longer. For how many more years can you stack hay in the barn and then climb up and throw it down. Yes, that would be a change if you really couldn’t do that . . .

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