Reflections On Morning Talk

WED., JAN. 10, 1996, 8:49 AM

Your “group”, minus Barbara, met this morning, and, as usual, there was much said or implied that is of interest to Me. I was the Creator, I am the Creator, and I will be the Creator, for creation is an ongoing process. I also am the continuing Sustainer, of life and order, and I am quite aware of all that you are (or even the most astute of humans), and much, much more. And I’ll say again, just for reinforcement, that I see and hear much more that pleases Me than distresses Me. Journalists tend to focus on “negatives”, especially when these are sensational. I see the whole picture, and I am essentially pleased with the earth scene.

Remember that I have many realms. Most of which do not have the troubles and strife of the earth. The Earth is a particularly challenging plane, and I do not want it to be Edenic. It accomplishes much of what I want from it, and if I manipulated so that it was more like many of you Christians think I desire, it would lose the vital quality of human choice. So never worry that I am “losing out”.

As this portion of Isaiah trumpets, “I am God, the Lord, the Only One there is”. This means, at least by inference, that I manifest Myself in myriad ways for humans in the earth. Christianity is My favorite religion… I tell you. But, remember, I am not limited to either/or thinking, so I can speak differently to other servants without being dishonest. You, or any humans, cannot prescribe what I shall say, in this age, or how such relates to other utterances of Mine. I am consistent enough to satisfy Myself, and I don’t need to be created in some “better” image.

One focus of this Isaiah “story” is on the importance of the Jews being restored to their “homeland”, the one I “gave” to them. This was accomplished, nearly 50 years ago, using the Holocaust. Later they went to war and gained more territory, but they took it away from, essentially, Muslims and Christians. The religious picture is more complex now, for it isn’t just Jews, with Me as their God, versus pagans. Rather, it is conflict among Jews, Christians, and Muslims, all “people of the Book”. Also in Bosnia, the strife is not white against black or brown, but between Orthodox Christians and Muslims… and also Catholic Christians.

I like it when My servants, however they are identified in national or religious terms, stand up for what I have told them. This produces conflict, which can be as violent as among secular preferences. As I used Cyrus, who never was a Jew, so I use persons and forces that you wouldn’t expect to be under My control. I have an incredible range in how I influence earth life (and this even surprises Me, occasionally).

The concepts of “good” and “evil” have some value, but, in actuality, these are not absolutes. For example, conception is a good, yet when this occurs in a rape, when there is no marriage to nurture a child, or when there is no desire for a baby, it becomes an evil. War is evil, but it often brings about desirable changes or prevents undesirable ones from taking place. A blizzard is bad (though not necessarily evil) in its disruption of the economy, but it is quite pleasant to hear silence in New York City and to see children frolicking in the “white stuff”.

WED., JAN. 10, 1996, 8:49 AM

Your “group”, minus Barbara, met this morning, and, as usual, there was much said or implied that is of interest to Me. I was the Creator, I am the Creator, and I will be the Creator, for creation is an ongoing process. I also am the continuing Sustainer, of life and order, and I am quite aware of all that you are (or even the most astute of humans), and much, much more. And I’ll say again, just for reinforcement, that I see and hear much more that pleases Me . . .

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