Reflections On Spirit

NOV. 15, 1981, 7:04 AM

You are a bit late in arising, o son, but you knew that I would have some words of reflection on last evening’s meeting centered on spirit… even Spirit. There was good attendance for a home meeting, but disappointingly poor turnout in relation to the total congregation. To acknowledge that only a living room full of people will devote an evening to consideration of spirit as a part of life is, put positively, an evidence of free will. (Go ahead and count… you see that your class and the staff made up more than half of the group). Still, it was a roomful, and after a somewhat over long presentation the evidence of interest in this gathered portion was clear.

You are aware that you are coming “out in the open”. You are not dead, so reports on your mystic experiences are not as likely yet, but Duane acknowledged you and complimented you fully and publicly in the context of the evening, saying you are full of the Spirit. In some respects this public affirmation will present you with some difficulties; you did feel uneasy for a good part of last evening. Still, in other respects it will be simple, even fun. You shall be prepared to respond, and all you have to do it tell your story. You need feel no responsibility to convince others of the truth I give to you. The teachings and I are quite capable of doing that.

There is an important truth about Me that was implied but not directly stated last evening. The Scriptures tell of My presence before the Christ and in the Christ… and then given to the world by the Christ. This means, then, that I have been at work in the world since My resurrection as Jesus and since My dramatic entrance at Pentecost. I have worked in all ages and all cultures with many different souls… and I am “at work” in this place at this time among members of this congregation. My ways of working are myriad and diverse, as are the responses of you, My creations.

I am ultimately One, and what I do and have certain people do is part of My plan and purpose. Yet in another sense (I say to you) there is no necessary end point for the earth and the people thereof. Rather, it is mainly a process… a unique experience among many life experiences that can bring spiritual growth. The reason for this potential is that I have created a world of “apparent” dualism. I say “apparent” because I am still One, in charge, and am the Creator… yet because I have created and maintain the earth as you find it, this duality is real.

There is good and evil… love and hate… suffering and compassion… or neglect… In times past numbers of populations sickened and died from disease. Yet in the midst of this there was potential for spiritual growth, and there was much. Now there is the potential for much suffering and death from technological weapons. A force of Mine, radiation, can do much good or much harm. You and many others are living in this time. Will you grow toward maturity in Me… toward true acceptance of My Grace in the midst of danger? This is the challenge of the earth. It is a volatile creation, but basically it fulfills its purpose… among My limitless Purposes.

NOV. 15, 1981, 7:04 AM

You are a bit late in arising, o son, but you knew that I would have some words of reflection on last evening’s meeting centered on spirit… even Spirit. There was good attendance for a home meeting, but disappointingly poor turnout in relation to the total congregation. To acknowledge that only a living room full of people will devote an evening to consideration of spirit as a part of life is, put positively, an evidence of free will. (Go ahead and count… you see that your class and the staff made . . .

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