Reflections On Teachings

AUG. 4, 1980, 7:07 AM

Actually, this day, o son, you have begun your sabbatical, a time away from regular teaching. So let us reflect upon your progress in this profession, and how this resting time can help to improve and energize your “performance” in the future. I shall say again, just for reinforcement, that teaching is the task-opportunity that I purpose for you in this life. You are doing what I want you to do, in a good place. But perhaps you could do it better? Or differently.

Shall we reflect first upon your last class yesterday? That was a fine experience, one truly exhibiting and exemplifying health. There is something about the Farm setting that just cannot be matched in a classroom. The interactions that occurred there and have occurred there are many and rich. You used the occasion artfully, but a song or two would have added another important element.

Know now that you are a senior professor, with reputation and many capacities. Use your capacities unashamedly. Demonstrate your unique capabilities… just as gifts from Me. They are talents that I have given to you, and that you have developed. Now do not bury them in the ground, but be ever more willing to use your imagination and sense of total consciousness as a basis for what you do with students.

Yes, it would be a good idea to invite the teaching assistants out there for a late afternoon session just before they begin. It shall be a good experience for them and give you a basis for selecting some that might contribute to your study.

With these changes in Our plan for the sabbatical study, consider now more seriously the home or Farm “seminar” with students having an obvious commitment to spiritual matters. They can react to ideas and concepts you develop from your reading and listening to tapes, as well as to those I present to you in these morning meditations. That could develop, in the future, into one of your best courses. The time is not now, but it seems like a good time to experiment with it.

AUG. 4, 1980, 7:07 AM

Actually, this day, o son, you have begun your sabbatical, a time away from regular teaching. So let us reflect upon your progress in this profession, and how this resting time can help to improve and energize your “performance” in the future. I shall say again, just for reinforcement, that teaching is the task-opportunity that I purpose for you in this life. You are doing what I want you to do, in a good place. But perhaps you could do it better? Or differently.

Shall we reflect first upon your . . .

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