Reflections On The Earth

MAY 19, 1980, 7:03 AM

You heard the theme immediately, o son, and know that I have some observations on what We did together yesterday. It was a good beginning and will lead toward better teaching in this realm of humans and Our earth.

For some reason you were apprehensive about doing the small lecture and seeking the reactions. You probably would have done it with your own will alone, but I did lean on you a bit. (The statement you made about wills last night was a proper one… yours and Mine are inextricably intertwined and it is almost impossible to determine which is functioning how. This is true with some others, too.)

You were amazed at the positive response, much more so than you expected. You know now that you could have put a more spiritual flavor into the presentation, and it would have been accepted. The class doesn’t look open and receptive, necessarily, but you are now aware that they are. This is a good lesson in teaching/learning, o experienced instructor. You know much about what you do, there is still ever more to learn. This is the secret to remaining young and viable in your work. Maintain a balance that leans toward your own learning, and your teaching will be maximally fresh and satisfying. Never be just a teacher. I’m not.

Now I do want to offer some reflections on the spiritual aspects of earth. Obviously you must make copies of My servant Seattle’s letter so that you don’t misplace it again. Also the idea of a tape of selected portions, against a background of nature sounds, would be effective. A slide presentation along with it is a possibility, though this isn’t your “thing” now. Be aware of students who might help with this… or, yes, Betty.

The earth is My garden, and I do not want it to be destroyed. The question in your mind about the nuclear holocaust Bob spoke of yesterday is a fair one. I shall not reveal to you My involvement in this possibility, but I do reinforce the feelings you had… and I clarify them for later use:

I favor the continued interaction of people, even in some conflict, over the destruction of all… and My garden. Shouldn’t you be willing to test your faith and your relationship to Me, even in some subservient relationship? Shouldn’t Christians be able to change the hearts of others, even when they are not militarily superior? Would I, as the gentle Christ, favor more missiles and nuclear holocaust?

It will not be popular, but it is a proper message for you. What is strength, anyway? Is it the strong person or nation proclaiming strength and challenging others? Consider, rather, that strength is more often shown in weakness… and in love. Love for people and love for this garden of Mine, the earth.

This theme of reflection on the earth is one you need to develop. Develop the analogies. But don’t do it just intellectually. Be with the earth. Involve yourself with it. Feel, truly, the relationship… and how it enhances the human. You can do an epilogue next time with the class, taking them, in the “mind’s eye”, to your Farm for the last class. A transparency map would help. But emphasize what the beauty of My earth does for those most important relationships – human/spiritual. Talking, sharing, eating, playing volleyball… looking, enjoying, walking. Yes, one or both of the summer classes can help develop this.

I love the earth. As you reflect My love you love the earth. This must be maintained. The earth is one of My best creations… along with you humans. I want you to get along with one another and with this earth. Will your vaunted political freedom be worth the loss of this garden? Is economic development worth the destruction of My garden? Your advocacy lies ahead. I shall guide you further.

Appreciate My garden this day.

7:58 AM