Reflections On Your Mission

WED., AUG. 16, 1995, 12:07 PM

It is good, o son, that you have responded to My call to spend this lunch time period with Me, for a better perspective on this 2 day departmental meeting. You don’t really need lunch, as you don’t need the snacks you have taken in.

My first reflection is that you still are a member of this department and of the health education program. It is not yet time to retire from active participation in meetings such as this. You are somewhat concerned about doing less for somewhat more pay, so it is right that you are one who joins with these colleagues and makes some contributions. Still, you realize that your mission is no longer as broad as is appropriate for some of the younger faculty. Hear them… and remember earlier years… and be pleased with your present role and position.

As you would expect, My major reflection is that your mission is to encourage the inclusion of the spiritual dimension as an important component of individual and community health. You are to do this by who you are, how you reveal this to students and others with whom you interact, and by the ways you encourage the learning process. This emphasis must be part of all that you do but I still leave it up to you, generally, to decide how direct and how insistent you shall be in specific situations. You see that a good number of these colleagues receive, and, hopefully, actually read Our Ruminations. It is time to include Lydia, so select some issues (not too many) as an introduction for her. Then be aware of others who might appreciate and benefit from these quarterly pages.

It is your mission to make these courses of yours spiritual experiences. You needn’t be much concerned about what each student will do when your influence is “over”. It is not important to try and measure the extent to which objectives that you set are achieved. A letter, received from Liz, yesterday, is the kind of evaluation that is of most interest to Me… and should be to you. It is important that you respond to her… and, of course, that you use that letter in future classes.

Complete and utter success is never possible in such a mission. You know that I, theoretically, want every human, every family, and every type of community to be aware of and appreciate the spiritual as an important element in earth life, but I don’t succeed, because I generally want such to be a somewhat free choice. Also I realize that some of you come to more spiritual realization because of interactions with some who ignore or reject spirituality. Hence, in a way, I am responsible for My own “lack of success” in achieving perfection.

So, you needn’t be a zealot, but you can admit that your main interest is in this spiritual realm and in how it can be enhanced and maintained in those who come to you for instruction. And, I’ll say, you can be a bit more open and honest about this interest with many of your student groups. By next year you can be quite honest and forthright, so this year is one of transition. Trust Me to guide you in this.

WED., AUG. 16, 1995, 12:07 PM

It is good, o son, that you have responded to My call to spend this lunch time period with Me, for a better perspective on this 2 day departmental meeting. You don’t really need lunch, as you don’t need the snacks you have taken in.

My first reflection is that you still are a member of this department and of the health education program. It is not yet time to retire from active participation in meetings such as this. You are somewhat concerned about doing less for somewhat . . .

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