Reflections On Your “Season”

MON., SEPT. 11, 1995, 6:40 AM

Last evening you reread the Teachings that I gave you just after the surgery on your back. You had hoped for miraculous recovery of function in your leg and foot. No such miracle happened. You are now in the 18th month, and there has been virtually no change except, of course, the absence of pain. Even as you still want recovery you have accepted this disability as one you “can live with”… for this “season.” And what season is it?

“For everything there is a season…” You were prepared to lead discussion of this portion of Holy Scripture, a portion containing much truth, even as it is not popular in your culture, understandably. For you this is a “winding down” season, even as you are early in it. You still are enjoying your teaching and the camaraderie and relationships that go with full-time work. Yet you now are beginning to consider what you shall do with all that is in your spacious office… and you’re glad there are some years before that will be a necessary action.

I have given you assurance that I will continue to guide you in this direct way. This “hearing and writing” season of your life is not over, by any means. You were hearing Me two days after the operation and rather regularly in the immediate recovery period. You had heard Me before in times of pain, so I just assume, as you do, that these Teachings shall continue, even into the season that shall be next.

Your hope is that you will ease into retirement in a gentle way. You expect that your motivations and energies will be diminished, but you don’t plan on excessive activities to try to keep them at a level from other seasons. Though it is not easy to talk about to most people, you look forward to a time of more direct spiritual development, from what I have shared with you. And it shall be a special joy, as you experienced last evening, to jointly reflect upon what I have taught you and your life events as they are chronicled in these unique pages.

Are there cancer cells still active in your body? Just assume your healing powers are keeping these in check. Focus on positive living, giving little thought and concern to this possible cancerous future. Don’t waste time and attention on unhealthy outcomes. I’ll just say that you’ll live as long as you need to… and you’ll be ready to come on over for the next adventure.

Is your blood pressure a problem? It obviously isn’t if your heart and blood vessels continue to function as you need them to. Continue, as an important goal, to balance your life and activities in ways that minimize pressure problems. Your circulatory system will last as long as it needs to… You have brought your weight down to a more desirable level. You realize it will be somewhat difficult to maintain, but it shall be worth the effort.

This is the “season” for a full moon. You viewed it last evening, with just a slight loss on one side. You know that it shall wane until its light shall be only a sliver… another “season”. Then it shall increase slowly, into fullness again, and this can be seen as the analog to the life of your spirit. The moon is there, in fullness, every night, but more or less of it can be seen. Your spirit continues, in fullness, whatever happens to your body. As it wanes the spirit should be readying for the next experience. I’ll continue to guide you in such a path.

MON., SEPT. 11, 1995, 6:40 AM

Last evening you reread the Teachings that I gave you just after the surgery on your back. You had hoped for miraculous recovery of function in your leg and foot. No such miracle happened. You are now in the 18th month, and there has been virtually no change except, of course, the absence of pain. Even as you still want recovery you have accepted this disability as one you “can live with”… for this “season.” And what season is it?

“For everything there is a season…” You were prepared to lead . . .

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