Reincar… Or, Better, Eternal Life

SUN., JAN. 5, 1997, 9:01 PM

Lenore asked you today to tell what reincarnation is, and you did rather well, though a bit too long and detailed. What you said was appropriate, but you should have replied as I have told you I prefer: once a spirit is created out of Me, the Holy Spirit, it has eternal and everlasting life, some of which may be manifested in a physical body, here in the earth. That life continues in one realm or another (with earth a possibility) until that soul (the accumulation of spiritual growth… or regression) reaches enlightenment, which, in Christian terms means truly accepting grace. When such “happens” there is no more need for individuality, and the soul accepts this fully, so the soul “merges” back into Me.

This sounds somewhat mechanical, but let Me give you a couple of analogs. You have a drop of water, which is quite clearly a single, individual drop. It is dropped into the pond, and becomes an integral part of that large body, capable of being of much more value than as a single drop. Or… you put some food scraps, some chopped leaves, some grass clippings, sawdust, cow and rabbit manure… all in the compost “pile”. You keep it moist and turn it often. Soon the individual “ingredients” are no longer apparent, and the product is of much value in nurturing plant growth, much more so than any of the elements alone. Translate this into spiritual terms, and this is like what happens to enlightenment, born-again (and again) souls.

The “standard” Christian premise is that the only spirit development is in this first and only earth life, and at death there is a judgment that sends you to eternal bliss or eternal suffering. This is a possibility, but a rather “minor” one. I say that spirit is your essence, and once created it seeks opportunities for growth and development. Just as a normal human is born as a baby, but then increases in size, in intellectual capacities, and in social relations (there can be losses along the way, but most continue to develop throughout life) so spirit increases… or can increase… with human experiences and interactions.

Not every one is well-balanced as the body dies. Your Mother, for example, had a body that outlasted her mind, and, as you have observed, her spirit. Oh, her spirit didn’t leave completely, but it was tired of that mal-functioning mind and body, and so was “away” much of the time in that last year or so. As I’ve told you, she is “recovering” from too long a life, and will soon be aware that she had many years of spiritual growth, from service to Me and to many others, including you. If your Dad’s body doesn’t last too long he will come across much more easily and willingly. He, too, has some good karma from this life and should have a good future… whatever he and I work out.

Let’s say there are two basic types of plants – annuals and perennials. Annuals typically are started from seeds, which germinate, develop into a plant, produce flowers or some type of fruit or vegetable, and then die… after producing seeds for new plants next season. The small, hardy marigolds in your garden are an example. The plants are all dead now, but when Spring warmth arrives many new plants will come up, from seeds dropped “before death”.

Contrarily, you see no evidence of daffodils or lilies in your garden or in the woods, but come Spring plants will come forth, with flowers galore. The plant dies, but the bulb remains, and produces growth… and beauty year after year.

In terms of humans in the earth, you are a mixture of “annuals” and “perennials”. Some of you are “first-timers” and some of these will be “one-timers”. Others of you have had several lives here and have some to considerable spiritual maturity from these, and other, experiences. A few of you are quite experienced souls and are here only to finally reach enlightenment… accept grace… or to serve Me or some other humans in some special way. In other words, these don’t have to be here, but choose to be because of some special capacity to be of service.

SUN., JAN. 5, 1997, 9:01 PM

Lenore asked you today to tell what reincarnation is, and you did rather well, though a bit too long and detailed. What you said was appropriate, but you should have replied as I have told you I prefer: once a spirit is created out of Me, the Holy Spirit, it has eternal and everlasting life, some of which may be manifested in a physical body, here in the earth. That life continues in one realm or another (with earth a possibility) until that soul (the accumulation of spiritual growth… or regression . . .

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