
FEBRUARY 4, 1980, 5:19 AM

You are welcome, o son. This was your call to yourself, not Mine. Your spirit felt malnourished and sought this holy food. I like that attunement. You shall learn some important things ere day breaks. But it shall not be an easy lesson to communicate to most others. To a few, yes. Your spirit seeks, and I am The Find.

You wonder WHY the Bible is so bereft of reference to the continuation of life in a growing sense… while you have come to know, as truth, that this is so. There are different sources of Truth, and the Bible is My best. Still you are right… the truth of reincarnation is there only if you have learned it elsewhere. Consider this analogy: you are asked to design and prepare the perfect meal… of your favorite foods. You do this carefully and well. It is delicious, and you are more than sated. But there were no sweetbreads. Now it really doesn’t detract from the perfection of the meal that one lonely dish was left out. It really would not have been a better meal with that added. You just have to design another… from which something else undoubtedly is omitted.

This is only an analogy. The Bible is a perfect collection by definition… just as I am, by definition. The fullness of My Truth, however, cannot be encompassed in one work. It is a purpose of Mine that has some of you Christians learning of this truth in other ways. And then you meet and share, and a special fellowship is created. It is not a secret, of course, it is simply not brought to the minds and spirits of most Christians. Those who have the truth are not an elite. (The elite are those who truly accept My grace.) They are simply a group of pilgrims, with a different perspective on the way to enlightenment.

Consider the treasure hunt you devised for John Patrick on his birthday. You knew where each clue led, and what the final prize was. Lenore knew the final prize, but not the specific route. He knew neither, but learned only as he followed one clue to another. Who had the most fun? Didn’t you all enjoy the hunt? Even though you knew the way it was stimulating and satisfying to see others discover. He did not say at the end, “Oh, if I’d only known all of this ahead of time”. Just say it is a little way of Mine.

Reincarnation means, simply, that “you don’t just have to go around once.” You’re not limited to one job, to one child, to one home. So also, you are not limited to one lifetime in the earth. There is no requirement that you return… only opportunity. It is education, so this analogy is a good one: some amount of formal education is required in your part of the world. Beyond that there is choice as to what and how much an individual may attempt. Some who go for much education do not seem to profit, and some who get little take much advantage of what they have had. But, in general, the learning that one attains gives one motivation and capacity to go on and learn more… and the capacity to understand more and perform in more useful and appropriate ways in the world. In like fashion, most of those of you who know of reincarnation have learned much along the way and are applying this in your own growth and toward the betterment of others.

Knowing that you are on a longer and more extensive path (than most do know) does not mean your life will be trouble-free. It means only that you have a perspective in which you can see events as chances for growth rather than insurmountable problems. It means you can learn from more numerous past experiences and have a different sense of who you are than without this truth.

There is little point in knowing who you were previously. Who you are now is enough of a manifestation for you to work with. Manifest your total self as fully as you are able. Seek My help. Remember that I am patient, and I forgive. Never cease to reflect upon your present life and its opportunities. Never be overwhelmed by your opportunities. Don’t despair over apparent inabilities. Just know that who you are is abuilding, in the close company of others who also are abuilding. You are alone, but also you are not. Ponder and be.

Love My Kingdom and seek to know My ways.

6:27 AM