Reinforcement No Ka Oe

TUES., NOV. 24, 1998, 9:27 AM

In re-reading the Teachings I gave you two years ago when you were here you are impressed with how much they apply to this visit. So today, with sunshine and light trades, I shall emphasize that reinforcement is as important… or even more so… as original learning. Your Mother has now dropped her body, and her spirit certainly is reviving in a spirit realm… while the remains of her small body are encased and in the ground in Peter’s Park, with a small but sturdy cross looms behind and in full view from your road. As you return you should consider where your Dad’s burial place will be, for you can presume that his bodily life will not be much longer.

Part of the charm of this island “place” is the reinforcement that each visit brings to your mind and spirit. You stood on the seawall at the place that once was a small Kalia Road bungalow and remembered your courting days. You still can do this, even as the changes in that site are mighty… but just like you saw them in recent visits. Waikiki has some constants, and it is fun to reinforce memories of previous strolls down that famous beach.

This was not your first visit to “Mark’s farm”, so there was reinforcement of the picture of how he is living his present life. New “features” were his small apartment and his Japanese girl companion. (What shall this be when you see him (or them) again?) You have “hiked” the Mau u Mae trail again, though not as far as in previous years. This reinforces both that you still have leg strength and some agility… AND… that it becomes harder to negotiate those rocky places with arthritic hips. This cabana place is now quite familiar as a place for Teachings, but you are sorry that the shrubs have grown so that Diamond Head is no longer visible as you sit here and write. The girls have gone with Margaret, and their house and the yard are now quiet. They grow and develop, so each visit has some reinforcement and some newness.

You have 3 or 4 “adventures” on your list, most of which are reinforcements of previous times and doings here. The “new ones”, like some contact with John Robert, are harder to arrange… even to desire. You still have much ambivalent feeling about how you should spend the time you have here.

Reading again Teachings from earlier years in this 19+ We’ve been in communication certainly does reinforce some major “themes”. One, of course, is that I, Holy Spirit, speaking for and as the Triune God, am fully in charge of this earth realm… and I find it quite good. I may not act in ways some of you humans feel I should, but if I don’t it is for reasons that I see as important. The daily news, in printed and televised forms, focuses excessively on negative happenings, and it could be asked, “Would God, with Final Power, allow or cause this to happen?” In response I reinforce to you that if you could imagine what catastrophes could happen if I weren’t actively “in charge” you would see that I am, in fact, quite a “good God”.

Life in the earth is for one major purpose – spiritual growth and development. I reinforce that I am concerned very little with the politics and economics of earth life. Rosiness is your present status, but harder times will come, always a chance for spirit to “overcome”.

I’ll say again that I not only am not concerned about human deaths, but I’m still considering ways of increasing these. How do I feel about Dr. Kevorkian and his unique contribution to human well-being? Well, in contrast to what most of you Christians (excluding you, of course) would say in answer to this question, I say that, while he is not a direct, guided servant of Mine what he is doing and speaking for is My Will. For humans to live beyond capacities to function… and in pain… is not My Will. Money and efforts spent on life-saving and preserving of the elderly should rather be expended to benefit the young… to give children and youth the best chance for good, useful lives… of spirit growth.

TUES., NOV. 24, 1998, 9:27 AM

In re-reading the Teachings I gave you two years ago when you were here you are impressed with how much they apply to this visit. So today, with sunshine and light trades, I shall emphasize that reinforcement is as important… or even more so… as original learning. Your Mother has now dropped her body, and her spirit certainly is reviving in a spirit realm… while the remains of her small body are encased and in the ground in Peter’s Park, with a small but sturdy cross looms . . .

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