Rekindling Spirit

FEB. 28, 1981, 5:34 AM

You are up, o son, with a spirit attuned to My teaching… and prepared well for a full day of teaching. Your spirit is not soaring this morning, but it is ready to be rekindled. That state of readiness is important.

These times of meditation and learning are, of course, opportunities for the rekindling of spirit. As I speak you hear and write but you also feel the power and the closeness of My Spirit, and this, certainly, is the chief means of rekindling. There is a desire to stay to completion, even if time is short. And though there is usually a satisfaction with completion, there is also the slight sadness that it is over. You strike a match and the flame is clear and lively. The match goes out but the fire may not yet burn bright. For you the rekindling often does not hold strongly for the day. But never cease to return for more rekindling. You are in the earth where spirit must compete with other apparently real forces.

My servant Albert, the Bishop, was your host the day before and yesterday. He goes soon for spiritual rekindling, a necessary move for him at this time. The spirit of relationship with Me has not been lost, but his effectiveness as a person and as a professional were greatly diminished. He has moved away from the hard drinking of the past, and the pain of Carol’s death is surely blunted, but these, and the responsibilities of parenthood, have eroded the glow of his spirit. To know how to be a bishop is not to be a bishop. There must be a rekindling of spirit that only I can initiate, but which his spirit must accept. The others and the environment at this new place can help, but it depends upon his attunement. His spirit has been farther from Me than it should have been… or was necessary.

You read from My Scriptures yesterday as an exercise in rekindling, and I recommend this eternally. Still, it did not work. You were disappointed, and despite your resolve you stopped short and turned to these pages. I am saddened that the words of My servant Amos were not uplifting (and I must admit they are not My best rekindlers) but pleased that you turned to wait upon Me for the experience of rekindling. You have a unique and valuable channel offered to you, so it is proper that you avail yourself of it. But still return to the Scriptures. Finish those last two chapters this morning with a rekindled spirit and see if the effect is different.

Rereading these teachings is another rekindling source. Each has a context of the moment, as does all of Scripture, but also, like Scripture, they can have renewing effects than can be startling in the rereading and reincorporating. Achieve a balance, but know, o son, that it is good for you to reread these… and they have the power to rekindle.

It is not that your spirit “goes out” (although something like that is possible). It is that the spirit becomes overwhelmed by the activities of the body, the feelings from emotions, the machinations of the mind, and the secular experiences of socializing. Instead of being the unifying dimension the spirit pants to be even a competitor… and its fire burns low.

The effect of rekindling is to restore the burning spirit to its role as coordinator and unifier of the self, in whatever the activity or the situation. Yes, do put a reminder to yourself on your podium today, and see what the effects are. I believe you shall be pleased. That may lead to the employment of other symbols… subtle, certainly, but true reminders and rekindlers.

The fascinating reality is that as you keep your spirit strong and in its proper role you shall do all of your other tasks and meet your other responsibilities better. That is just a bonus that I have quietly built into the system. So never feel… “I don’t have time for a rekindled spirit.” You truly don’t have time to try to function well without one.

I, the Spirit, speak to you and send you on your mission this day… with dedication and with fire.

Hallelujah on this day.
6:29 AM