
SUN., FEB. 9, 1986, 5:13 AM

This shall not be an orthodox Christian Teaching, o son, as the term “orthodoxy” is typically used. Yet it is orthodox in a fundamental way – it speaks of the reality of eternal life, which I, as Jesus, guaranteed. And in yet another… I say it, and the Gospel is living and dynamic rather than limited to words selected, even with My help, many years ago.

A pertinent question is… “Has little Dylan come into a relationship that is special and chosen, or is birth just a chance process?” That is the specific question which leads to many more general and fundamental ones about relationships. And a fundamental answer is that relationships are fundamental to the manifestation of life, so where there is life there are relationships. And if life is eternal, which it is, then relationships are eternal, long lasting, and ever recurring.

Your solar system was created with a given amount of energy. That energy is exchanged and transformed, and makes life possible, in physical terms, but it is not lost. It is being transformed into unusable forms, but it still exists. The spiritual system is like and unlike this physical analogue. All spiritual energy and power is in Me. It is infinite rather than finite. However, it is manifested in many ways, and one of these is the individual human soul, coming out of Me, having many and different forms, and finally returning, voluntarily and knowingly, to union with Me.

During the course of created existence individual souls seek and establish relationships. Relationship with Me is the most basic, but those with other souls are a result of this basic one… and connected… and/or can be a substitute. That is, in a humanistic perspective, relationships with other humans (with the soul being acknowledged, or not) are developed in place of relationship with Me, and spiritual strength develops from these. While this is inferior, it is nevertheless real and should not be disparaged.

Life, as you are living it now, is a marvelous combination of relationships. You have continuing, active relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit, most tangibly through this meditative practice (and didn’t I awaken and gently urge you to this place early in this cool morning?) You have some relationships with people in your daily life that are human and spiritual as a result. Nothing could be less spiritual than playing bridge, but relationships that have spirit in them are arising and developing because of the repetitive meetings.

Other relationships are more initially spiritual because there is a mutual recognition of relationship with Me, underlying and undergirding. You proved this to yourself during your church sabbatical. When you met new people in the context of a church relationships had a spiritual quality immediately. Sometimes you forget this as new people come into your congregation. Relationships should be established and recognized much more quickly than in the bridge group, for the basis is already in place.

But yes, there are continuing relationships in your life, and in the lives of all who have been manifested in the earth “before.” Some of your relationships, old and new, are continuing ones. Most are positive, supportive, and for mutual learning. A few are potentially destructive, even as they represent the possibility of growth in spirit. And your actual life is a combination of these relationships. You need not recognize those that are “from old,” but there is no harm in being aware and in appreciating this possibility. As this life continues you, with this knowledge, will come to appreciate more of those ongoing relationships among your friends. You needn’t be weird about it. Just be quietly appreciative.

SUN., FEB. 9, 1986, 5:13 AM

This shall not be an orthodox Christian Teaching, o son, as the term “orthodoxy” is typically used. Yet it is orthodox in a fundamental way – it speaks of the reality of eternal life, which I, as Jesus, guaranteed. And in yet another… I say it, and the Gospel is living and dynamic rather than limited to words selected, even with My help, many years ago.

A pertinent question is… “Has little Dylan come into a relationship that is special and chosen, or is birth just a chance process?” That is the . . .

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