
WED., MAR. 12, 1986, 6:09 AM

There wasn’t much doubt about whether you would have a Teaching this morning, nor about the theme. That which was written about the soul who was Edgar is certainly true for you, as it was for him. The “objective world” designated him as a psychic because of the readings he gave. His was an ability to see way beyond what others could discern. His method was that which a psychic would use – a trance, in which he was unconscious. So, in the world’s terms he pretty well qualified as a psychic.

My servant Harmon, however, stated it accurately: the reality was that Edgar had a close relationship with Me, and his readings were the direct result. You have a relationship with Me, and these Teachings are the direct result. You are not as spiritually advanced as he was, and therefore what you hear and write shall not be of the same significance. The result is not important. Faithfulness is. I have called you, and out of this call… and your willingness to do what I call for… come these often useful Teachings. Yet they are only evidence of the relationships, and the relationship is the key.

This represents a truth worth exploring. In almost these same terms I have talked to you about your teaching career. What you teach is mostly unimportant. That you establish relationships with some of the learners is quite important. And that you conduct classes in ways that help students form relationships with one another is equally important. Obviously this favors an educational philosophy which posits that learning comes from relationships more than from information or from activity. The skill is in establishing this relationship in what appears to be a rather traditional education setting. You are not expert in this, but as you become more aware of this reality and appreciate it more fully you shall improve. IF… you don’t try too hard. Trying hard to establish a relationship is often counter-productive. Just gently BE in relationship. At least do what you do to further it.

I seek relationships… always have and always will. I am patient (for this certainly is a major aspect of love), and I wait for My overtures to be recognized and accepted. The essence of this relationship is that I am with you ALWAYS and in every situation, and you know this and appreciate it. There is nothing that you do that I do not observe. There is nothing that you say that I do not hear… nor nothing that you think that I do not discern. Interestingly, this acceptance of My “intrusion” into your life is a major factor in your capacity to hear Me and write down what you hear. As our relationship develops further you shall have increasing “trouble” in distinguishing between your thoughts and words… and Mine. And yet you’ll worry less about this, even as your culture often demands that the distinction be a clear one.

Relationships are the essence of life. Though there can be no relationship with an animal that matches the best of human relationships you did have a bond, of sorts, with Tabitha, and her death is thus more painful than just the loss of a productive heifer. The relationship with your little dog was a firm one, and you miss that friendship. There is certainly nothing wrong with relationships of this sort, as long as you realize the greater value of human ones.

WED., MAR. 12, 1986, 6:09 AM

There wasn’t much doubt about whether you would have a Teaching this morning, nor about the theme. That which was written about the soul who was Edgar is certainly true for you, as it was for him. The “objective world” designated him as a psychic because of the readings he gave. His was an ability to see way beyond what others could discern. His method was that which a psychic would use – a trance, in which he was unconscious. So, in the world’s terms he pretty well qualified as . . .

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