
MON., JUNE 8, 1987, 5:50 AM

Laurettes’s study of relationships has been completed. There will be a few minor changes and additions, but it is essentially done. Aren’t you interested in what I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about this theme? Doesn’t Pentecost also offer something about relationships? Hear, o son.

The study is a good verification of the concept that I helped you develop some years ago… the concept of human/spiritual interaction. It says, basically, that positive health must include relationships of several sorts and shades, but, as with many aspects of health, the balances and proportions… the rhythm… is different for different people. That is, in the extreme, it is not possible to affirm surely that a person with a wide variety of relationships is more or less healthy than one with a single deep, penetrating, powerful relationship.

The concept also says, at its heart, that relationships with other persons shade into relationships with spirit. It is impossible to say where one ends and another begins. You should expect this, because humans are My creation, fundamentally, and are spirit intermixed with all of the physical and mental aspects of earth life. Each of you, truly, is a spirit on a spiritual path that takes you, for a time, into this earth experience. Some recognize this early in life and some later… some recognize it deeply and some in very shallow ways.

This present study did not deal with spirits as differentiated from Me, as a higher spiritual power, and this was appropriate in these circumstances, but I must affirm that this continues to be an important aspect of relationship. Even as you have not had many of such relationships directly you accept these as another link with life that is a vital facet of healthy relationships.

Naturally, I shall also reemphasize that the relationship with Me is the key one for healthy functioning, but there are many forms of this, yours not being a common one. Many people pray much better than you do, and I respond in many real ways to prayer. Your path brings you to Me in this way, but prayer, worship, Scripture reading and study, and awareness and appreciation of My “appearances” in the earth are recommended as other “assists” appropriate in your life.

There is a both/and quality to the development of self and the development of relationships. First, the self has relationships internally. I identify the main one as between spirit and mind or among spirit, the rational mind, and the emotions. As spirit is strong the relationship tends to be a good, working one, for spirit does not seek to dominate, but to facilitate, to coordinate, to give these other aspects of self the best opportunity to grow and develop. When sprit is weak there tends to be much conflict and much competition, even evidenced in extreme, narrow religiosity. (That’s an interesting one for Me to deal with.)

Social relationships are a part of normal day-to-day functioning, and the quality of these is a definite aspect of health. Out of these come deeper ties and interactions, and these are the most satisfying AND the most vexing. People find great satisfaction in love relationships, yet when these sour and fail there is great turmoil, even loss of earth life. To trust another is both a risk and a compliment. To prove your integrity is one of the great opportunities of life.

MON., JUNE 8, 1987, 5:50 AM

Laurettes’s study of relationships has been completed. There will be a few minor changes and additions, but it is essentially done. Aren’t you interested in what I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about this theme? Doesn’t Pentecost also offer something about relationships? Hear, o son.

The study is a good verification of the concept that I helped you develop some years ago… the concept of human/spiritual interaction. It says, basically, that positive health must include relationships of several sorts and shades, but, as with many aspects . . .

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