Relax… And… Preach

FRI., MAR. 1, 1991, 6:01 AM

You, o son, are more agitated than you should be as you move into this weekend. Your first opportunity to preach to your own congregation approaches, and I advise – relax. Your notes are misplaced, but you shall find them… or you shall redo them in an even better style. It shall profit you not to go into this opportunity nervous and bothered.

Just know that, if you had to, you could do this whole service without notes, for I would lead you, and you would preach and pray with real spirit. You need not test this out, but you could do it, if it were necessary.

You are concerned, rightly, about the myriad responsibilities that you continue to accept. You must begin to be more selective, saying No to some offers that seem worthwhile. I shall let you know when you should accept. It was quite clear that you should teach the course at Synod School and that you should lead the worship service, with another opportunity to preach. There wasn’t any doubt as you accepted these offers. Others, like these, shall be equally clear. If you don’t feel My urging you must make the decision. It shall not necessarily be No, but it could be.

The good news of yesterday was that you will teach two courses this coming summer and be paid accordingly. The less good news is that it will be unlikely that you will get to do the Human/Spiritual Interacting class. It still could happen, but be prepared for this disappointment. Accept, also, as good news that future summers will allow for more relaxation… several years of transition into retirement. How many times must I remind you that I shall provide for your needs? You still think you are doing it. Hear again that it is I Who have called you to this life with your hand in Mine, and I shall provide, even as it seems you have done it. I have many ways to work. I say to you… just relax and accept what comes as gifts from Me.

Now you feel somewhat overwhelmed. From such a feeling comes not the best performance in “things” I would have you do. This is bothersome to Me as well as to you. Trust that I shall guide you to a more serene state, which shall be more pleasant and more productive.

Be not surprised when your opportunities to preach increase. Know also that I shall direct you in messages I would have you bring. And know, importantly, that I am as concerned with the being you present to others as with the actual words. Be My servant, with your whole self. Don’t pretend to be who you are not, no matter how desirable that pretense may seem. Just be who you are, fully and joyfully. With this I am pleased.

Take this misplacement as a sign that both desks should be cleaned off and that you should organize your various papers in some better fashion. I know you shall never be truly organized, but I shall let you know when you should at least improve.

You understand, as few in your culture do, that earth life is a strange amalgam of the tangible and the mystical, of free will and predestination. Most Americans, even most Christians, would be skeptical about what you are writing now… and about My rather direct role in your life. It seems so unlikely, and you seem so relatively “normal.” Why would you write that I, the Holy Spirit am a truly active partner in your life? Is this a strange delusion for an otherwise believable old man? And I know that you have some of these thoughts, even as you know and trust Me.

FRI., MAR. 1, 1991, 6:01 AM

You, o son, are more agitated than you should be as you move into this weekend. Your first opportunity to preach to your own congregation approaches, and I advise – relax. Your notes are misplaced, but you shall find them… or you shall redo them in an even better style. It shall profit you not to go into this opportunity nervous and bothered.

Just know that, if you had to, you could do this whole service without notes, for I would lead you, and you would preach and pray with real spirit . . .

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