Relax… You’re Still Mine

SAT., AUG. 18, 2001, 5:12 PM

Yes, I say to you, o son, on this summer afternoon that you’re not as comfortable with this “time with Me” and “what I want” as I want you to be. Oh, I’ll admit that you haven’t done as well in hearing Me and writing Teachings as I have wanted… and you, also. But you do have quite a “collection” of My Teachings to you, and you are aware that your faithfulness to this “opportunity” is not consistent.

However, you know that when you do come, as you are doing now, I Am… with you and appropriately loquacious. You are not as faithful as I want you to be… and as I discern that you want to be… but don’t overdo the “self-criticism.” Relax. Re-read earlier Teachings. Just know that I shall find and devise ways to have you hear Me. You can be relatively unfaithful, but “you’re still Mine. We just won’t “go away from each Other!

Your desk is a mess again, for it becomes increasingly difficult to decide what you should do… what priorities should be. Ironically, it was “easier” during your “working life,” for you realized there was little time to relax from all that was required of you… and that you required of yourself. Now you almost have “settled into” this life of retirement, and it is increasingly hard to exert the “discipline” that you demonstrated, for years.

I am quite aware of all of this. On the one hand I’m not trying to have you regain and maintain the disciplines of former years. On the other, I still call you Mine, and I want to advise and counsel you often. We’ve established a “way” that works well (so be proud of all of these “volumes”)… and know that, from My perspective, this is the most important thing you do.

I would prefer a neater desk and table, but I also want you to push “stuff” aside and be My faithful “hearer.” Re-read. Ponder. Pay less attention to the daily news, for much of it, as reported, is of minor to no importance to Me. I am interested in how souls with hands in Mine live and move and have their being, but I’m little concerned with politics, economics, and other secular ways of evaluating earth life.

You read a piece this afternoon about the continued global warming and the future consequences for this planet Earth. You realize this should have little direct effect on you, since you won’t live much longer into this 21st century (by Western human “counting”). As I have told you, I am quite aware of past and present actions and practices and of how this physical earth and its non-human creatures are being stressed, and, consequently, there will be some “losses” that will indirectly, at first, affect human life, but human life is, finally, part of the whole earth ecosystem. This means that there will be some diminishing of the human population, not necessarily affecting, most, those who have been responsible for the “modern, productive life-style”. So, depending on how conditions develop, and what the actual “threats” are, the “strong shall survive”… the most adaptable.

This may seem harsh, but it has been My Will to let this happen, from human actions, and I shall see it as a test of human spirits. You have lived in a time and in a culture wherein there has been great opportunity to live well and happily. However, it is now evident (as it has been, to Me, for some time) that the “Western lifestyle” is not sustainable as it is now and as it “plans” to be. There is much more knowledge, now, of “how the earth works,” and so recovery from future disasters is likely to be rapid. However, the big challenge will be how to deal with human aspirations, developed over this last half century.

SAT., AUG. 18, 2001, 5:12 PM

Yes, I say to you, o son, on this summer afternoon that you’re not as comfortable with this “time with Me” and “what I want” as I want you to be. Oh, I’ll admit that you haven’t done as well in hearing Me and writing Teachings as I have wanted… and you, also. But you do have quite a “collection” of My Teachings to you, and you are aware that your faithfulness to this “opportunity” is not consistent.

However, you know that when you do come, as you . . .

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