
SUN., AUG. 26, 1984, 9:17 AM

Yes, o son, this is a title full of promise. You do wish to learn more of My thoughts and perspectives, and you would prefer this to more admonitions about your lack of spiritual maturity. I just must make this comment, as a backup to what you felt earlier this morning – you missed an opportunity last night to give a gentle testimony about the relationship with Me and how this has assured you that what you are doing and where and how you are doing it is just right. Your academic life and your spiritual life are as close together as is possible, and you need have no thoughts about alternative uses of your work time. You may go ahead with the investigation for your next sabbatical, but also know that I shall lead you to the best use of that time.

Religion. What do I think about religion? There are certainly many ways, many beliefs, and many practices under this rubric. In general, there are two ways to see this in relation to Me, the Triune God that you know and serve. One way is to see Me disapproving of all but the Christian religion, but being unable to do anything effective to reverse this diversity and bring all to the Right Way. This presents Me as a weak, ineffectual God, whose creation has “gotten away from Him.” A variation of this view is that I disapprove in like fashion, but I have created and endorsed free will, so, while I could do something about the situation, I won’t because I make a decision “once”, and I am somehow bound by that. (I must add here that I do “change My mind”, and I am never bound, in an absolute sense, by any previous actions or decisions. I am Ultimate Freedom.)

The other real alternative is to see Me as the Only and Absolute God, whose desire is that the earth survive because it is a unique plane of being wherein much spiritual growth can take place, and whose desire is that human souls grow and develop in spirit. Of all the religions, those means by which spiritual growth is encouraged and shared, Christianity is My favorite. (As I have told you before, however, I say this to you because I want you to be and remain a Christian, even as a rather deviant one, not some seeker who can be satisfied with no religious base. What I say to a devout Jew or a devout Moslem is not for you to hear nor to be concerned with.)

The Christian religion is based in Me, of course, has its history in the Jewish people (My chosen) and its uniqueness in My coming to earth and living an earth life as Jesus of Nazareth, a Jew whose authenticity was finally accepted most fully by Gentiles. It is also made solid by the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, a diverse set of “books” of which I approve. The Church, which is properly seen and spoken of as My Body, has developed a tradition (actually a number of traditions) and practices, and ways of worshipping, studying, and maintaining fellowship. In some instances the Church has opposed and stood out against the cultures of which it is a part, and in others has adapted to cultural preferences. From My perspective each has been noble… and also egregious.

SUN., AUG. 26, 1984, 9:17 AM

Yes, o son, this is a title full of promise. You do wish to learn more of My thoughts and perspectives, and you would prefer this to more admonitions about your lack of spiritual maturity. I just must make this comment, as a backup to what you felt earlier this morning – you missed an opportunity last night to give a gentle testimony about the relationship with Me and how this has assured you that what you are doing and where and how you are doing it is just right. Your academic . . .

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