Religion And Health

Sat., FEB. 5, 1983, 8:23

You are determined, o son, to have this Teaching this morning during this layover time. You didn’t take time for Me to give you a title, but you and My servant David will be doing some study sessions on this multiple theme, so, yes, it is proper to expect that I shall give you guidance with this. You do have other responsibilities that must be fulfilled, but I shall not turn you away when you come with such anticipation. Trust that I shall give you plenty of new and renewed material, but I shall also urge you to go back to earlier Teachings that shall be relevant.

Religion is the formalized, organized relationship with Me. Religions are far from perfect in their functioning, but I generally approve of these manifestations of My influence among humans. It is true that the practice of religion may turn some people away from Me… in particular, young folks. Yet I also often see that those who turn away return at some later time, even to the same religion.

Religion at its best allows and encourages an expression of spirit that is unique… and good. Religion has practices, rituals, sacraments, and these can be vivid reminders of Me and My influence on life here in the earth. Also, at its best, religion’s influence lingers on past the formal or organized time and affects the functioning of lives in their secular contexts. Prayer is learned and practiced in a religious setting; prayer is then continued and adapted in the many situations of life. How, for example, does prayer relate to health?

First, in an holistic context the person who is healthy has a well-functioning spirit. And an important aspect of this spirit is an acknowledgement of Me (and this can take many forms, religious and not-so) and My influence in the matters of life. You acknowledge that I am involved in a safe flight, in the starting of a recalcitrant truck, in the beauty of your Farm. This acknowledgement can take the form of prayer, and when you can pray you can become a utile part of religion. So the person who is healthiest often participates in and enjoys the practice of religion… and, usually, the practice of religion abets health.

Let’s put this together with Lenore’s present case. She has a strong and well-developed spirit. She is comfortable in the practice of religion. She is generally healthy, totally. But she faces a serious medical procedure. The doctors who are responsible are men of spirit and religion. They are healthy in the practice of their art, which they know well. This is important in the whole matter. Medicine just is practiced best, totally, by those who acknowledge Me as a part of this practice, an important Partner, in effect. (You hadn’t really considered this, now had you?)

I shall not say whether this surgical procedure is necessary or not. It is called for, so it becomes an arena for health, spirit, and religion. Her general health, including her sense of being loved by many (including Me, of course), shall be a positive factor. Her spirit must accept the possibilities for growth in the confirmation of health, in the need for medical care, even in the diagnosis of serious malfunctioning. Each is a challenge, though different.

Religion can encourage a community of Christians to be aware of her entrance into the medical realm and to pray for and otherwise acknowledge her, which can be a health-giving experience.

Sat., FEB. 5, 1983, 8:23

You are determined, o son, to have this Teaching this morning during this layover time. You didn’t take time for Me to give you a title, but you and My servant David will be doing some study sessions on this multiple theme, so, yes, it is proper to expect that I shall give you guidance with this. You do have other responsibilities that must be fulfilled, but I shall not turn you away when you come with such anticipation. Trust that I shall give you plenty of new and . . .

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