Religion And Medicine

MON., FEB. 7, 1983, 6:50 AM

Your mind wanders and roams in this time of meditation, o son, and even the short period in which Our spirits come together and select a title is full of extraneous thoughts. One of these days I must force you to do this faithfully, for it is important. Still, this morning I accede to your desire for more guidance in the programs you and David will present and direct.

As I have told you religion is the organized institution for the manifestation of relationship to Me… in worship, in affirmation of belonging, and in bringing those who do not acknowledge Me into more knowledge of My Word and Ways. Medicine is also an organized institution, this one dedicated to battle against sickness and injury and, ultimately, to the return of full functioning or health. These each are important institutions in purpose and yet each certainly exhibits imperfections… examples of harm done rather than the good intended.

Some people shall see these imperfections and withdraw from association with either or both. It is certainly possible for a person to manifest and develop spirit apart from the church, and some do this for a lifetime. Yet many who try this do not persist, for the culture offers many counter motivations… and spirit, particularly in relationship to Me, lies fallow. For all of its shortcomings and failures, the practice of religion is a part of the life of this earth that I like. I do call individuals and groups to different styles of worship, to different forms of organization, and to different size congregations. I tell you again that there is no single style that I favor. But I also tell you again that I lead others in the belief that there is one favored style. I have purposes that you cannot understand.

In like fashion some persons find little need for the ministrations of medicine. As you think back on your own life, you find you have had little need of medicine. You have consulted occasionally and taken some medication, but, in retrospect, the setting of a broken arm at an early age seems to be the only real necessity. Then you consider the sickness that your Mother manifested last summer, and you know (and I told you) that technological, institutional treatment was vitally necessary for her recovery. Many persons in your culture owe their lengthened and healthier life to the skilled practice of medicine. At the same time many go to the institution unnecessarily and clog up the system.

Let’s consider the ideal working together of these two institutions. Out of association with religion a person comes to personal, committed relationship with Me. She serves others and acknowledges Me, in faith and in joy, in relation to the events of life. Then there is an injury, making service impossible because of pain and reduced body function. She still acknowledges Me, even in the injury and prays for recovery in order to be of continuing service. She seeks medical care, and it is offered by persons skilled in their special techniques and committed to serve Me by this means. These personnel also pray and also see My manifestation and My capacity to heal, seeking only to supplement this. Loving medical care is given, and it is received in love. Recovery occurs, and the person is back functioning in the world in service of others and back in the church. There is both knowledge and proclamation that the event was one of spirit growth.

MON., FEB. 7, 1983, 6:50 AM

Your mind wanders and roams in this time of meditation, o son, and even the short period in which Our spirits come together and select a title is full of extraneous thoughts. One of these days I must force you to do this faithfully, for it is important. Still, this morning I accede to your desire for more guidance in the programs you and David will present and direct.

As I have told you religion is the organized institution for the manifestation of relationship to Me… in worship, in affirmation of . . .

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