Religious Diversity?

WED., DEC. 8, 1999, 8:55 AM

The discussion arising from your group’s consideration of Jesus’ early ministry had some focus on the Old and New Testaments. It was the “Christian choice” to include both as Holy Scripture, but, of course, Judaism didn’t crash and burn as might be expected from My life, preaching and teaching as Jesus. My death and resurrection was dramatic, but the claim that I was the expected Messiah was too much for the Jews to accept, given My ignominious end.

Jews and Gentiles were not “close,” generally, in that time of My life as Jesus. The Old Testament, obviously, was Jewish in its orientation and perspective, and thus the Gentiles were seen as inferior… not people chosen by Me, the Yahweh God. Hence Gentiles had some motivation to take My claim to be the Son of God more seriously… because the Jews denied it. Remember, always, that I, as the Omniscient God, know the people I have created, and I “use” the animosities that rather “naturally” develop for ends that I see as desirable.

For in this portion of Luke that you were considering this morning you read that at first “the people,” My Jewish kin, accepted what I said and lauded Me. But “soon,” as the account goes, they angrily turned against Me, and would have “finished Me off”… but for a bit of “supernatural dodging” that I accomplished. And thus the schism commenced, guided by Me. Oh, some Jews did become disciples and followers, but Judaism held on, even strengthened in some ways by this “challenge” of Mine.

Their fullest expectation was that their Messiah would appear and “rescue” them from their undesired state. I came, in a somewhat miraculous way, and finally proclaimed that I was the Messiah. But I didn’t do what they expected, so they rejected Me. This rejection culminated in crucifixion (and, yes, I did contribute to that), and thus I became the “sacrificial lamb” that was part of their tradition. But then came the resurrection, and I was alive again, in a tangible, yet quite “special,” body. And so I encouraged this diverse “off shoot” religion, which BOTH had its roots in the Judaism of the Old Testament and was “brand new,” the Son of God in the midst of this world, different from what was expected. I had been a suffering servant rather than a conquering hero. I had been a sacrificial lamb rather than the lion of Judah.

And so a new religion began to develop, while its original form continued on… though it did have both liberal and conservative factions. Was I troubled by this? Not a bit of it!

In other parts of this Earth of Mine, other religions had commenced and developed, and still others came later. This Christianity, encouraged by St. Paul, also had its departures from agreement over the years, with the present day reality of Orthodox and Roman Catholic congregations at one extreme and charismatic, Pentecostal groups at the other. Between are “the rest of you,” with Presbyterians about in the middle, being neither quite liturgical nor overtly spiritual. And with all of this I am both amused and pleased.

And, as I’ve told you, “just for fun” I called you to be what I call a “Presbyterian mystic,” one who slides outside of time for an hour or so several times a week and writes what you hear Me, Holy Spirit, telling you. Your professional field was one that valued verifiable proof. There is no way these pages can meet such a “test.” Part of your professional concern was addictions, generally considered undesirable in your culture. But I want you to be addicted to these times with Me. You come not just because you want to, but because you must.

WED., DEC. 8, 1999, 8:55 AM

The discussion arising from your group’s consideration of Jesus’ early ministry had some focus on the Old and New Testaments. It was the “Christian choice” to include both as Holy Scripture, but, of course, Judaism didn’t crash and burn as might be expected from My life, preaching and teaching as Jesus. My death and resurrection was dramatic, but the claim that I was the expected Messiah was too much for the Jews to accept, given My ignominious end.

Jews and Gentiles were not “close,” generally, in that . . .

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